(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I say this is the interesting thing you go to these charismatic churches which I don't recommend that you ever do but you look them up on YouTube for example okay and the spiritual gift that they emphasize the most is like speaking in tongues right and in fact they determine your level of spirituality based on your ability to speak in tongues. Now I got a funny story to tell you with this okay we're gonna veer off the Bible just a little bit I'm gonna tell you the story so my old church there is a guy you know he got saved at our old church and you know he got into the Bible and he tells this story how before he was saved he went to this Pentecostal charismatic church and he was like man they're all like speaking in tongues and just doing that and then they call him and they're like come on you're gonna speak in tongues and he's like I don't know how to speak in tongues. He's like no I don't know where you willed, the spirit willed, the manifest and all this stuff and he's like I don't know how so he's like I don't know what to do so he goes I did the only thing I knew I could so he brought him up and he goes you know what I did I did the street fighter sound he goes I went up there and I said arectactactactuchen the entire time. He's like I don't know how to speak in tongues so I just did the street fighter sound but you know that it's funny but it's true you know and by the way there's as much doctrine in arectactactuchen than there is in what they say okay it's basically the same amount of doctrine that he was teaching right there.