(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What takes place in the end times verse 10 says fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer Behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that you may be tried and he shall have tribulation 10 days Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life now, I believe this is something that literally happened That's something that literally took place with the church of smyrna But here's the thing is I believe it's also a reference to Those that great tribulation. So well, hold on a second. Didn't you just say that the great tribulation is only 75 days? Why does it say it's 10 days and there if you're saying it's 75 days? Well, we don't have time to go all the way back to leviticus 23, but in leviticus chapter 23 You have what's called the feast of the lord In these feasts of the lord, you see different feasts that god Ordained and and wanted his people to celebrate those first three feasts what you have is the passover feast of 11 bread And the first fruits are feasts that god did jesus christ actually fulfilled when he came Okay, the passover he was our passover 11 bread he's the bread of life The first fruits is when he resurrected then you have the feast of pentecost which took place in what act chapter number two Well, the last feasts that we see there are the harvest feast those have not taken place yet Okay, and that is the blowing of the trumpets And then you have the day of atonement Which is in relation to the trumpet of the jubilee the year of jubilee. You say why is that important? The blowing of the trumpets actually when he told me this is when you're supposed to do the blowing of the trumpets Was on the first day of the seventh month Now where is the seventh month in a year It's right in the middle right Now here's here's where the preacher crowd gets it mistaken because they say well the the blowing of the trumpets that's referring to the rapture You know the trumpet not necessarily Because if you look at other portions of scriptures often the blowing of the trumpet signifies war we're going to war Well, if you compare that to end times bible prophecy what takes place in the middle of the week the abomination of desolation What what does that kick off that kicks off great tribulation that kicks off what the bible says? The antichrist will make war with the saints So when they blow that trumpet, it's like, okay, that's signifying now we're in great tribulation There's going to be war with the saints christians are going to be put to death etc. Okay. Does that make sense to everyone? now this is really neat because it for the the the the one about regarding atonement Is also in reference to the year of jubilee the trumpet of the jubilee Which the trumpet of the jubilee gets when they're supposed to blow that one. So The blowing of the trumpets happen on the first day of the seventh month The jubilee gets when that sounded ten days after Right Of that seventh month And we said what is the jubilee that is when they proclaim liberty? To his people and they were able to return back to their homes Etc. What is that a picture of the rapture? So why does revelations chapter 2 verse 10 says that they shall tribulation 10 days Well, that is a direct reference to the feast that we see in leviticus chapter 23 Where you see the first day of the first month? Antichrist, what is he doing? He's waging war against the saints 10 days later What do you see you see the trumpet of the jubilee where he's proclaiming liberty? You