(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All the words of my mouth are in righteousness wisdom speaking here. There is nothing froward or perverse in them So when we think of the Word of God as being beautiful, we're saying that it is it's it's it's deficient of any ugliness Okay, there's nothing perverse about the Word of God. It's pure. It's clean This is why we should never be ashamed of what God's Word says. Amen We should never be ashamed of its concepts of its doctrines of the words that it uses Even words that the world would consider today as being cuss words or something, you know, you say the word ass And then I can't believe he said that, you know, but the Word of God uses that word You know you we talk about the concept of hell and people think that that's like a cuss word or something folks The Bible uses that word the Bible talks about bastards And people often say well, you know, you shouldn't be so crude and and use those words But the Word of God uses those words and the words of the Lord are pure words They're clean words. And in fact, I wouldn't even go as far as to say that it is a sinful thing It's simple to say that those words are unclean It's actually sinful to say oh, you know, yeah I know the Word of God uses the word bastard or I know the Word of God uses the word pisseth and all these Other words, but you know what today in modern society Those are unclean words who cares what modern society says modern society is wrong the majority of the time modern society Always goes against the grain of what God's Word says so we don't need to go to the world To help us, you know define what beauty is According to God's Word, you know if the Word of God is beautiful or not No, you know, we need the Holy Spirit We need God We need his word and all we need is to know that because the Word of God is perfect Because it's complete. It's without error. It's inerrant. Therefore. It's beautiful. Okay