(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But more extensively if we were to think about the spiritual sacrifice, you know, that would entail us Why because the Bible tells us in Romans chapter number 12 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God they present your bodies a Living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service. The Bible says you see in the New Testament We're not offering bullocks and lambs and sheep. We're actually offering up ourselves a living sacrifice How does that look like? Well, we die daily Right. We are to die daily The Bible says to put on the new man and put off the old man We're supposed to mortify the members of our body the Bible says so we're to die daily to our ambition to our desires To our own agenda and put God's agenda before our own that is a spiritual Sacrifice when we seek to take up our cross and follow him you see the cross Of course in the New Testament was an instrument of putting people to death You see someone carrying a cross and meant that they were gonna go die All right So the Bible tells us here the Bible tells us in Galatians that we are crucified with Christ Nevertheless we live yet not I but Christ that liveth in me So every single day we're to die unto the Lord, you know This is something that we have to practice on a daily basis You may have had victory over your sin today, but that it might not be the case tomorrow Okay, we constantly had to be confessing our sins. We constantly have to be working on our flaws We constantly have to make sure that we're walking in the spirit and not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh We constantly have to make sure and understand that the flesh lusts against the spirit the spirit against the flesh These are contrary one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would well How do you make sure that you are pleasing God you're walking in the new man