(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) How about just praying to the Saints and worshipping Mary? That's not in the Bible. You know the Romans and they got that from the Roman paganism because Roman paganism believed in a myriad a plethora of gods which they obviously you know they got the idea from the Greeks they had a plethora of all these deities where they would pray to make offerings and sacrifices and every single one of these deities had a designated realm of authority in this world right fertility finances you know health and protection that's the Catholic Church the only difference is they're not calling them gods they're calling them Saints you understand what I'm saying and they basically do the same exact thing that the Roman Empire was doing to their gods they're doing to their Saints he said well you know they're Saints in the Bible though yeah you're looking at one right now you didn't have to go to the Bible you could open your eyes right here because a saint is someone who has believed on the Lord Jesus Christ whereas their definition is well no a saint is someone who does good deeds a saint has to be deputized as a saint by the authorities of the Catholic Church after the person has died they review their their good deeds resume and if they've done enough good deeds and you know we're a good Catholic then we'll give them the title of saint that's not what the Bible says you know they they gave that title of sainthood to what's that lady's name Mother Teresa let me tell you a funny story about Mother Teresa I remember one time I was uh there's a guy was trying to win to the Lord he was he was a staunch Catholic and he didn't want to convert like you know he didn't want to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and he just felt like he just or he wanted to believe but he's like I'm gonna stay a Catholic and look if they stay a Catholic didn't really even if they say they believe on the Lord they didn't get saved because they're adhering to Catholic doctrine which is contrary to just believing on the Lord and only the Lord for salvation right so I was talking to this guy and he said he said all right I gotta tell you a funny story he said he goes my friend was like one of the bodyguards for Mother Teresa okay you know Mother Teresa the one they made the movie about and you know she's just this like godly saint who everyone looks toward look towards as the example even you have like these liberal Christians who read her books and quote her you know and he basically said this he goes he said my friend was her bodyguard and he told me that after she would do her good deeds or whatever she'd go around the corner and light up a cigarette and start smoking he said Mother Teresa was a chain smoker that's something that the Catholic Church didn't take into consideration now did they he's like she was a chain smoker now look a Christian could be a chain smoker and still be safe right your salvation is not determined by what sins you do or don't do but even according to their standard right according to their standard their rules and their doctrine this Saints because she fed a bunch of poor people you know but she was a major chain smoker shows you how hypocritical they are even when it comes to their own beliefs it's like it reminds me of like what the Pharisees right