(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let me just remind you from what I said last week the United States of America, you know did not start off a Christian nation Man it takes off a lot of Republicans That's like Bible to them Our founding fathers they were they were Freemasons Freemasons are not independent fundamental Baptist folks Well, yeah, but they stood for for our our values no they stood for their own agenda Which is the secret destiny of America? Look it up. It's gonna break your heart It's true though, okay their agenda was to create a nation fit for Babylon in order to establish a new world order in the Antichrist That's what it's for and it's found throughout the United States and their sculptures and in their idolatry, I mean truth in plain sight folks This nation was created for the Antichrist, okay You you're so anti-american I'm for God I'm for Jesus I'm pro Jesus Well, you know, you know you you got to be a bit of a patriot though and I'm so sick and tired of that nonsense You know and look don't let me don't make me reiterate what I said last week. Look that's that's Trump's That's Trump's agenda right there Americanism not globalism You know and you got your preterist out there who are probably loving that You have your your people who believe that you know We're gonna usher in the kingdom and permeate all the politics and permeate the businesses and we're gonna establish the kingdom of God here In this world and this could be our opportunity to do so because it's Americanism not globalism not happening is what it is