(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, let's look at the Nazarite vow in Numbers chapter number six. Obviously, this is non-existent today in the New Testament It was existing in John's day because John technically is still in the Old Testament The Old Testament was not complete until Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross at that point He brought in the better covenant the New Testament But at that point when he was born when Jesus was born and John They were both in the Old Testament look at Numbers chapter six verse number one It says then the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them When either man or woman shall separate themselves to bow valve and Azarite to separate themselves unto the Lord He shall separate himself from wine and strong drink And shall drink no vinegar of wine or vinegar of strong drink neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes Nor eat moist grapes or dried All the days of his separation shall he eat nothing that is made of the vine tree from the kernels even to the husk All the days of the valve separation shall There shall no razor come upon his head until the days be fulfilled in the which he separated himself unto the Lord He shall be holy and shall let the locks of his hair Excuse me The locks of the hair of his head grow all the days that he separated himself unto the Lord He shall come at no dead body. So what do we see over and over again with the Nazarite vow those who are Separating themselves unto the Lord now, obviously every Christian should be separated unto the Lord This is referring to a specific individual who wants to carry out a task and is Abstaining from certain things of this world to be able to fulfill that task Okay. Now by the way, this is not the sermon here, but the exception to men growing long hair would be right here Samson for example You know, we understand that the bible teaches us that it is a shame for a man to have long hair Doth not nature even teach you that if a man have long hair the bible says it is a shame unto Him you know men should have their hair short looking like a man You know where people don't have to question whether you're some queer or something, okay The exception to that rule in these days by the way Was if you're taking a Nazarite vow And here's the thing is that you know If it's a glory or if it was a shame to a man to have long hair in those days That means when someone would view a Nazarite who had long hair It was humbling because they understood this person has not fulfilled their vow You understand So they would look at that individual and say well this person has not yet fulfilled their vow You know, this is why they're a specific Nazarite. So the exception to the rule of men having long hair was the Nazarite Separated unto the lord, okay Now what was the purpose for Samson being a Nazarite? Well, he was a judge And he was a unique individual in the sense that the spirit of god would come upon him and give him Supernatural strength to destroy the enemies of god one of the most exciting portions of scripture to read is the story of Samson Where he's just whooping people left and right with the jawbone of an ass I mean what a sight to see For someone to take a jawbone of an ass and just make heaps upon heaps of just dead bodies all over the place of god's enemies You know, it's an amazing thing and even then he took that jawbone of an ass He destroyed the enemies of god and god hauled a place in that bone and he drank water thereafter to refresh himself I mean his amazing exploits were done by Samson because of the supernatural strength that god gave him I'm going to read to you from judges chapter 13 go back to luke Judges 13 verse 4 says now therefore beware I pray thee and drink not wine speaking to Samson's mother Drink not wine or strong drink and eat not any unclean thing for lo thou shall conceive and bear a son And no razor shall come on his head for the child shall be a nazirite unto god from the womb And he shall begin to deliver israel out of the hand of the philistines now Obviously when he's referring to no razor coming upon his head is not referring to within the womb What it's saying is that? This child is going to be sanctified from the womb. He has a purpose For when he exits the womb, okay But I do want you to notice that his mother kind of basically took the nazirite bow as well right because he said Now therefore beware. I pray thee drink not wine or strong drink and eat not any unclean thing And the insinuation there is that whatever you do you're actually affecting your baby. Okay Even in the spiritual matters, all right Look at luke chapter 1 And verse 13, but the angel said unto him fear not zecharias for the prayer for thy prayer is heard And thy wife elizabeth shall bear thee a son and thou shall call his name. John And thou shall have joy and gladness and many shall rejoice at his birth For he shall be great in the sight of the lord and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink And he shall be filled with the holy ghost Even from his mother's womb and many of the children of israel shall he turn to the lord their god So what do we see with samsung we see that he shall be a nazirite from his mother's womb What do we see of john the baptist he shall be filled with the holy ghost even from his mother's womb now As I mentioned samsung was a judge And what does that mean when the bible talks about samsung being a judge doesn't mean he's wearing like some long robe and you know Uh making money off of people and just condemning people left and right like judges today, you know What that's referring to is that he's judging israel according to the word of god Or at least he should have right He ought to be what his responsibility was is to preach the word of god into israel and say hey your idolatry is wicked It's wrong. God is judging you because you are Violating transgressing his commandments. This is why this is coming upon you. This is what the bible says That's what a judge is So all the judges were supposed to do the difference being is that these judges were simultaneously a military leader as well They operated like a general so they were to tell the people hey, you're wrong You know, you're you're wicked for doing this. This is what the bible says But let me go ahead and deliver you out of the hand of your oppressor