(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now look at verse 33 They answered and we be abraham seed and were never in bondage to any man How sayest thou ye shall be made free now go to john chapter one Now matthew is the book in the gospels that really just hits The jews heart. I mean Almost in an indiscreet way or excuse me in a discrete way through the parables You see that he's saying, you know, the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness They shall be weeping and willing in a gnashing of teeth You see all these parables that it's in reference to the servant, but it's really talking about the jews, but john The book of john is the most insulting towards the jews If you think about it, I mean john chapter eight is the most insulting chapter towards the jews. He's calling them children of the devil That's an insult. He's like you guys are a bunch of reprobates. You guys are children of the devil and look we think of john He's just like the beloved john You know and we use john to give that to brand new believers, you know, you know, it's the easiest to read yet It's the most insulting gospel towards the jews Look at john chapter one in verse number 11 He came into his own and his own received him not but as many as received him to them give you power To become the sons of god now you ask this guy justin leblanc, which I don't recommend you do He says there you go, you know He gives you the power to become the son of god, but you're not a son of god yet You know, not all christians are the sons of god. Well, you stopped you obviously you stopped reading justin. Look what it says even To them that believe on his name So he gave power to become the sons of god even unto who to them who believe on his name And it says in verse 13 which were born Not of blood. What does that mean? Not of lineage? You see we're not catholics who say well i'm catholic because of my grandma Because of my great great grandfather who was a catholic. That's not the way it works here It's not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man But of god one pastor in the old ifb I remember he made a profound statement and it's true He said, you know, god doesn't have grandchildren He only has children Why because every single person in this world has to make a decision to trust christ as their savior And when that person trusts christ as their savior their descendants their physical descendants are not automatically saved just because they are safe They have to make the individual decision to be saved as well why because god doesn't have grandchildren it's not a blood They have to make the decision to believe on christ