(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) do find it interesting here that there is a correlation between the Jews and a reprobate though okay though it's not saying that reprobates can be saved there is a commonality between the Jews found in Romans chapter 2 and the reprobates in Romans chapter number 1 because verse number 1 in Romans 2 the latter end says for wherein thou judges another thou condemnest thyself for thou that judges doest the same things now what is the same thing that the Jew would do that the reprobate has done now go to Romans chapter 1 and verse 21 look at the Bible reads here because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imagination and their foolish heart was darkened so that fits perfectly with the Jew who is a Christ rejecting person right what is that they because the Bible says he came into his own and his own received them not they rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and therefore the foolish heart was darkened now go with me if you went to John chapter 12 John chapter number 12 so there is similarities between the Jew and the reprobate what is that they both rejected Christ okay and in fact many Jews who have completely rejected Christ we would say yes they are reprobate and they can no longer be saved he said why is that look at John 12 verse 39 therefore they could not believe because that Isaiah saith again he have blinded their eyes and harden their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them referring to the Jews so you know what the commonality is between the reprobates and the Jews is they both rejected Christ so they're both have a foolish heart that's darkened they both have rejected the truth they both did not want to trust Christ as your Savior and they're both are still depending on their works