(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The event is where a Protestant group formed under the leadership of this false prophet named William Miller. In fact, they called that group the Millerites. You know, like Miller the beer, the Millerites. Now, this guy, and you wonder, like, where did LNGY get this from? Well, just remember that everything produces after its own kind, does it not? So you have this woman giving so-called 2,000 visions of Christ's second coming and all these extra biblical revelations. You say, where does she even come up with something like that? Well, William Miller was known for date-setting all the time. And in fact, he predicted that Christ would return in 1843. You say, well, what happened? Nothing. In fact, it was so embarrassing that they literally labeled that day and that event the great disappointment. That's what he's known for. William Miller's known for being a false prophet who basically predicted the great disappointment because Christ never returned, right? In 1843.