(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And the Bible often talks about the course of this world or this world, this world system, and what is the course of this world, when it says the course, what is it referring to, it's referring to the road that this world is taking, okay, it's the path, the course that this world is taking, okay, and we walked according to that course at one point, and the Bible says in Matthew 7, verse 13, you're in Revelation, chapter two, enter ye in at the straight gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat, because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. And so before salvation, we were going in that broad path, we were walking the course of this world like everyone else in this world on our way to hell, okay, but we overcame that, why? By our faith. Not because we kept God's commandments, we're righteous, you know, in and of ourselves, no, we chose to go the narrow way, and when it says the narrow way, it's not referring to, oh yeah, we decided to just adhere to strict laws and strict commandments, it is just narrow, the gate is straight, it's not what it's talking about at all. Narrow is the fact that there's not a whole lot of people going down that course, there's a ton of people going through the course of this world, there's a ton of people who, there's more people in hell than there is in heaven, there's tons of people in hell, and that's why the Bible said that hell hath enlarged itself, because more people, more souls go to hell, the larger it has to get, you know, it's being filled, okay, because broad is the way. And so when it says that we walked according to the course of this world, it's referring to the fact that this is the path that we were taking to hell, and we didn't get off that path based upon our works, no, not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saved us, and we overcame by our faith, we basically changed direction, not because of the effort we put into the Christian life, but rather the faith that we placed in Jesus.