(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now I know I'm gonna lose a lot of people on this because I have a lot of people who are Anti-vaxxers who follow me and a lot of them are vegans. Okay. Now look, let me just say this is I'm not against vegans or vegetarians At all, I don't think they're wicked people I don't think they're of the devil the ones who I do think are wicked are those who try to contact me and Try to use the Bible to justify their veganism. That's wicked Just as the Catholic Church tries to use the Bible to justify, you know, forbidding men to marry because it's not there Right. So when people try to use the Bible to justify Vegetarianism and veganism at that point. It becomes a doctrine of devils. Okay You see why because it's impossible to use the Bible to justify that position And look I can preach an entire sermon on just the foolishness of using the Bible to justify veganism Because throughout the Bible you see animals dying throughout the Bible You see people eating meat Jesus who is the Son of God the Word of God that was made flesh and doth among us He ate meat. In fact, let me just break it to you. The first person to ever kill an animal was God and He did it to clothe Adam and Eve for the benefit right of mankind and Here's the thing. This is what they'll say. Okay, because they always try to go back to Genesis right vegans and vegetarians They'll say, you know, we'll tell them well, you know, the Bible says you can eat meat you quote 1st Timothy 4 And they're like, yeah, but from the beginning it was not so You know that you know in the Garden of Eden God's original plan his original intent was that we eat Vegetables and fruits and look into that I say amen in the Garden of Eden. That's what it was like, right No one's arguing with that, but then we bring that we bring to their attention Yeah, but here's the thing God killed an animal to clothe Adam and Eve He's the first one to do it. And this is what they'll say. I'll say yeah because of sin Right. How many of you ever heard someone say something like that? Like well, yeah sin is the reason man is eating meat Sin is the reason why man is eating meat in the first place, right? That's what they'll say So man eats meat now because of sin the eating of animals and meat is a result of pastor I've been I've had multitudes of conversations about this. Okay, and they to them that's like their checkmate To them it's just like yeah sure, but it's a result of sin Now, let me just just completely just demolish their way of thinking right now, okay Cuz eating meat listen up everyone eating meat is not the only result of sin Guess what wearing clothes is to You want every single vegan and vegetarian that has condemned me for eating meat wears clothes. Oh What does it say the beginning speaking lies and what Hypocrisy, that's interesting. What does it mean when it says speaking lies in hypocrisy? They condemn you over something that they themselves are doing, you know, like the forbidding to marry Yet some of these false prophets have eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin And these same people who are forbidding people to are trying to teach that you should abstain from meats I guarantee you they're they're pounding of double cheeseburger Raising canes or whatever in the background Okay But let me say this Wearing clothes to cover our nakedness right was a result of sin, too, right and Every vegan that has ever used the Bible to justify this position. They all wear clothes Look folks before before the fall of man. Adam and Eve were naked They were naked and you know what? It wasn't until Eve took the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that their eyes were open They saw that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together to make themselves Aprons in order to cover their nakedness and that wasn't even sufficient enough So God killed an animal and made them coats of skin to cover their nakedness So let me ask you oh you vegan that wants to use the Bible to justify your position Are you just gonna just toss away all your clothes? No, because you know, it's shameful to do so So before you try to pull out that card and you think you have checkmate Well, let me just remind you clothing was a result of sin as well, but you know what? No one's gonna teach. Well, you shouldn't wear any clothes Cuz I'd be foolish Okay, look this is why these people they desire to be teachers of the law but they understand neither what they say Nowhere of their firm. Let me just say this checkmate