(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) folks take this thing serious don't view this sermon as well this is just another sermon on sin folks it's a sermon on sin that can save your life it's a sermon against the sin in your life that can save your life it can save your marriage it can save your children it can save your reputation it can save you from falling prey to the snares of satan take it serious and he's saying here don't err my beloved brethren take this thing serious so the first thing we see here is this matter of temptation now brother mori you'll be temptation today go ahead stand right right here right there turn around you're temptation okay so what is temptation temptation is when you are a lord okay or as the bible would say you are being enticed it says in verse 14 but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed okay now let me just say this is that there's two types of temptations in the bible let me explain this all right temptation number one has nothing to do with sin temptation number one is referring to a trial a difficulty god can bring temptations into our life he can allow trials and tribulations he can allow afflictions into our life he can bring them upon us in order to teach us something in order to help us to clean up our lives in order to help us to reflect upon our spiritual state and kind of take revenue and understand what's going on and get right with god so temptation that type of temptation god can bring that upon you okay the second type of that is let no man say when he is tempted that he is tempted of god god doesn't come to you with you know alcohol and try to tempt you with alcohol try to tempt you with with uh you know adultery try to tempt you with covetousness sinful things to see if you really love him okay no in fact he tempts you with trials and tribulations difficulties in your life all right but not with sin who tempts you with sin satan who tempts you with sin your flesh who tempts you with sin the world okay this is the type of temptation that the bible is actually referring to here so temptation by definition by definition means to be enticed okay and let me just say this is that temptation is not a sin