(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Because of the fact that he's pouring out his blessing. He's providing for his people and yet they're still Murmuring you say how much does God hate it? Well here it says that he destroyed them What does that mean? He killed them? You know, this is New Testament Now why did this God allow this to happen look at verse number 11 Now all these things happen unto them for examples and they are written for our admonition Upon whom the ends of the world are come so the Bible tells us that obviously this was not God's will for their lives But you know what? There are examples They're written for our admonition. What kind of admonition the admission is this don't be a murmur. Don't be a complainer Don't murmur don't complain and more specifically don't complain and murmur in the midst of blessing The title of the sermon this evening is ways to handle God's blessing Because we look at the children of Israel in the Old Testament. They didn't handle God's blessing very well. I Mean they saw some pretty miraculous things did they not but they didn't handle that very well You know what today we don't have these type of miracles happening today. We don't have water gushing out of a rock We don't have mana falling down from heaven. We don't have God bringing the quails, you know into our back Yard so we can kill slay and eat but you know what? We do have a meal every single day Do we not we do have clothes on our back? We do have all the necessary things that we need to survive and in fact We even have an overabundance of these things and the Bible tells us that every good gift and every perfect gift Coming from above from the father of lights in whom there is no shadow of turning, you know No variableness or nor shadow of turning the Bible says so actually we have something a little more than that Because we have the complete canonized Bible They didn't have the Bible back then So how does this principle apply to us it applies in this manner to whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required