(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now look, I believe that you know if this were to happen in our lifetime, and there's people out there who believe in the pre-trip rapture you know they're in for a rude awakening obviously and You know I'd like to meet some of them during that time Well, we're all hiring. I'm gonna be like huh? You know what I'm gonna say right? I told you. Oh, but pre-trip what? What was that again? Can you help me find where we're at right now? Okay, cuz I can help you find it really easily It's called revelation six. Oh, I thought you were gonna be gone by now. You know. It's just like Hey, where's our where's your clothes, but or just walk around be like what are you looking for your clothes? Cuz I thought you're supposed to be raptured by now or something you know I Might tease them a little bit you know and then be all right all that's forgiven all right. Let's let's try to survive now all right You Know but here's the thing is that there's a ton of people out there who believe in the pre-trip relation rapture who are very much righteous people They're right with God. They love the Lord they read the Bible they pray they seek to live Holy lives they win souls to Christ They preach righteousness they preach against sin You know they love the Lord They're just wrong about this okay. I believe that those people are actually gonna be spared During this time now. They're gonna be humbled over the fact that they were wrong, but they will survive. Why will they survive? I'll tell you why because they're righteous people if they're living righteously is what I'm referring to and I guarantee you There's gonna be people who believe in the post-trip Pre-wrath rapture who are not right with God Who are living in sin they're living in fornication? They're living in drunkenness. They're just involved with the cares of this life, and they will not survive Why because God specifically tells us if you're if you allow yourself to be overcharged with these things it will come upon you unawares I'm gonna say something right now. It's probably gonna offend a lot of people in here Those of you who just are all about the news and what what new conspiracies out there. You're asleep my friend You my friend are asleep at the wheel oh That went over like a screen door in a submarine You're asleep at the wheel if you place more of an emphasis on world affairs No, I just think that you know knowing about world affairs. That's what's being awake not according to the Bible Not according to what God says are we gonna impose our own definition of what the Bible says now look if you need to know What's done? What's on the news then so be it? But may it not so overcome you in such a way that you're not even concerned with spiritual matters anymore Where it kind of takes a preeminent it takes a front seat and the Bible takes a backseat Hey when you know more about what happened in news today than what you read in your Bible How about that when you know all the doctrines of the Politics and every nook and cranny of every controversy and every conspiracy, but you don't know Anything about this book you're asleep my friend You are Nyquil'd up You're asleep Don't let this Conspiracy theory you know conservative right-wing group out there on the internet Try to fool you into thinking that the way you can stay awake is by knowing all of the you know the dark web stuff Ghislaine Maxwell and everything that's going on with her And make sure you know what's going on with all the pedophilia rings and look folks be wise concerning good simple concerning evil so the Bible says Awake to righteousness the Bible says this is a way to what's going on the news Awake to righteousness and sin not for some have not the knowledge of God I speak this to your shame He says a way to righteousness and sin not he doesn't say a way to the news He says for some have not the knowledge of God. He said some have not the knowledge of the Republican Party or something Man I know I'm making a lot of people mad about this one But I'm not here to just you know help you and promote you in your conservative values And your Republican Party and your QAnon nonsense. Oh, I'm sorry did I say that? You Know the Q conspiracies and all this I'm not here to help you with that I'm here to preach the Bible, and I'm not gonna redefine what it is to be awake in the Lord Those are the people who are gonna suffer the consequences of end times Because they're unaware. They're not being watchful Okay, being watchful doesn't mean just know every about every wrong in this world about all the politics And it's Trump gonna be reelected, and you know in the next couple years and all if you want to know that that's on you But man never take a front seat where the Bible takes a backseat We ought to look at the Bible look at the world through the lens of the Word of God Okay, now look at the world now look at the Word of God through the lens of what's going on in the world Oh, I see what's going on world. Let me try to fit into what's going on here in the Bible Now folks We're supposed to have a spiritual lens Right and view the world through the light in light of the Bible I Know I just made a lot of people mad, but you know it needs to be said Needs to be said and look it's these same people who probably believe we're in the tribulation right now Let me just step on these toes real quick same people who believe that we're in the tribulation right now How do you know we're not in the tribulation? I don't know cuz I've like I ate today Cuz like Christians are not yet being put to death Yeah, but there's like wars and rumors of wars there's always been wars and rumors of wars That's why in the Bible even though the Antichrist comes out in the first seal We actually don't know the identity of the Antichrist Until he rises from the dead Because there's wars and rumors of wars there's famines all throughout history There's probably some famine going on right now in the world So we can't know for sure until the Antichrist receives a deadly wound to the head and his deadly wound is healed And he proclaims himself to be God Folks there's people and I'm sure there's say people who buy into this nonsense But there's not there's people who are not saved. They not only buy into it. They purchase stock Into that nonsense as well. These are the same people who say that the vaccine is the mark of the beast fools What a nonsensical thing to say that the vaccine is the market. Oh and messes with your DNA though Yeah, but your soul is not made out of DNA The mark of the beast damns your soul to hell And look I'm against the vaccine. I don't encourage anybody to take it But there is no vaccine so potent That it cuts into the inner recesses of the heart it divides soul and spirit joints in the marrow or something And just damns your soul to hell. It's not there