(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The practical application is this, you know aside from Abraham's bosom, all right, I Mean we might be carried into David's bosom We might be carried into You know, give me a name give me who else Peter's bosom John's bosom, you know and so bosom of someone who is actually famous in the eyes of God and in our eyes as well So what I'm saying is this is that you know practice humility We don't have to be famous in the eyes of the world We don't have to be liked in the eyes of the world We don't have to be loved by the world because that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the eyes of God according to the Bible We should embrace the fact that we're the off scouring of this world That we are all the most hated why because of the fact like like Lazarus who was hated and despised Ended up getting VIP in heaven. I mean what a what a a welcome party to have Abraham say Hold them and and be comforted That's a great thing because notice, you know, here's one thing that did six don't talk about You know, they place such an emphasis on Abraham's bosom. What about the fact that God is there, right? What about the Lord But obviously the Lord Understands that we esteem men of the Bible Like these are our heroes right here right You know Jehu is my hero. I Love Jehu I Look up to Jehu Moses my hero. Hey Phinehas my hero my man These are awesome people like the world doesn't know about them, but we know about them and so Why did he was was he placed in the bosom of Abraham? Well, it's something that the Jews clearly understood because Abraham was a notable person to the Jews amongst all Jews saved and unsaved alike and So it's showing us that that which is the most despised the least here in this world will receive first class in heaven and That's displayed by the fact that he's placed into the bosom of the patriarch Abraham who is considered the father of faith Amen, and so, you know dispelling the myths of Abraham's bosom. It does exist It's a real thing But so does David's bosom So Peter's bosom exists too, you know lots bosom exists believe it or not. I Hope none of you Are introduced in heaven into lots bosom Come here a little compromiser Was like hey a lot of old IV pastors will be carried it by the angels into lots bosom Come here