(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And we beseech you brethren to know them which labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake and be at peace among yourselves So he's basically telling those at Thessalonica. Hey, you need to get to get acquainted with the laborers in your church now Obviously he could be referring to the pastor because we see there that it says those who are over you in the Lord But he's really referring to anybody who's just working for the Lord in the church You understand and the reason he says there to know them to esteem them is because of the fact that Laborers are very much an important person in the eyes of God Okay, those who preach the gospel those who seek opportunity to serve others, you know These are people who are held in high esteem in God's eyes and therefore we should esteem them as much amen You say what's the point of that? Well, you know today Christians have a tendency to esteem those who are not of the house of God You know, they steam music artists and actors They esteem politicians They seem everything but which God steams which is laborers of the Lord You understand those who are truly making an impact for eternity Those who are gonna be ruling and reigning with Christ for a thousand years Those who God knows those who God appoints and exalts Those are the people who are important in God's eyes and God says here. Hey, you need to know them Okay. Now why is that? Well because of the fact that when you get acquainted with people who are laborers you yourself will be a laborer You become like the people you're with right? Isn't that true? You become like the people you hang around with you end up taking their characteristics or attributes their habits the things that they Like and they're and they're you know customs and the way they talk and you know their practices you actually end up Kind of integrating them to your own life when you're around them And so this is why the Bible says to exhort one another You know forsake not the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is and so much the more as you see today Approaching it's important that we're in God's house if you want to learn how to be a Christian For example, the best place to do it is not on YouTube That's right Now YouTube is a great place to learn doctrine learn hear a lot of sermons But if you want to learn the practicality of Christian living you got to come to church Right, you got to be in church because of the fact that he that walketh with wise men shall be wise If you're around other godly Christians who love the Lord who believe the Bible they go soul-winning They love their wisest Christ also loved the church. They reverence their husbands They are living a holy life. They do things that are pleasing unto the Lord. That's gonna rub off on you You know, it's hard to be a Christian without a church It's hard to live a godly life If you don't have a local assembly where you can basically get plugged into See examples of what you want to be and kind of copy that you understand and so he says get acquainted with the labors in The church because God not only wants us to be you know bonafide Christians. He wants us to be laborers Okay, he wants us to learn how to preach the gospel how to labor in the word and in doctrine The Bible tells us for we are his workmanship Created in Christ Jesus unto good works So when you got saved, you know that came with the list of responsibilities Right, you got saved that came with the list of responsibilities things that God want things that God wants you to do things that God wants you to accomplish and The sad thing is that you know people get saved and Obviously, that's not sad because they're gonna go to heaven to have eternal life, but they get saved But then you know, they never come to church They never even read the Bible. They never learn how to get their family saved I mean, I remember when I first got saved one of the first things that was really important to me is like, oh, man I got to figure out how to tell my family about this because I don't want them to go to hell And then I had a bunch of friends. I'm like, I gotta tell my friends about this I just don't know how but I don't want them to go to hell So luckily I went to a church where they it was a soul winning church I mean they used that phrase Soul winning preaching the gospel and I went there and they taught me how to share my faith how to preach the gospel how to get people saved and I learned and I want a bunch of my friends to the Lord or I want some of my family to the Lord and So, you know God wants us to Get a part of a church so we can learn to be laborers in the gospel labors in the Word of God Labors and just being a blessing to others you understand