(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Where they say you don't have to worship Satan with us What you need to do is just think for yourself. You need to eat of the tree of knowledge. Okay? Now they call it, you know the satanic temple, but we call it ecumenicism Ecumenicism The satanic temple seeks to institute religious pluralism Okay, what is religious pluralism its tolerance for all religions Now, let me give you an example in Arkansas You at the state capitol you have the monument to the Ten Commandments Okay, you know Arkansas they would consider themselves to be a Christian state in other words They still you know, they revere the commandments of God the Word of God They believe in God, you know Senators and the governor they claim to be Christian. And in fact, I believe they're even ordained ministers of Christian churches and This group of people the the the satanic temple They went there and they wanted to basically prop up Baphomet a statue of Baphomet I said, what's Baphomet? Well Baphomet is basically a A statue or an image of Satan if you've ever seen it looks like a goat man Okay You guys ever seen something like that where it's like the legs of a goat The torso of a man the head of a goat and he's always doing something like this. Okay, that's Baphomet. Okay It's it's the embodiment. It's the representation of Satan himself This is what they put on their, you know, pentagram the head of Baphomet, etc Well what they wanted to do they came to the state capitol and said hey We want to prop up Baphomet right next to the Ten Commandments and the guys are like we'll never take down the Ten Commandments This is a Christian state. We'll never do that. That's unconstitutional all this stuff and they're like this Oh, we don't want to take down the Ten Commandments. We want it to stay We just want Baphomet next to the Ten Commandments and they said this if you take down the Ten Commandments We don't want Baphomet to go up We want them right next to each other You know why he said because this is the United States of America and in the United States of America we believe in pluralism the United States Constitution promotes pluralism. This is what it means to be an American They said to be an American is to tolerate other religions and to show that we can live amongst each other