(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The reason this is important today is because of the fact that obviously the general population out there are for tattoos There are four piercings therefore plastic surgery But here's the sad thing is today you have Christians so-called who are also participating in tattoos piercings and plastic surgery So it's not enough that you have the world out there who doesn't have God or without God They're strangers from the covenants of promise. They don't know the Bible, but you have Christians Bible believers So-called who are getting tattoos, you know, he's so called, you know These Calvinists who claim to believe the Bible these Jeff Derbins of this world the James White's who want to get Tatted up they want to get inked up and they try to use the Bible to justify what they do That's what I'm preaching against go to Leviticus chapter 19 if you would Hey, what's a red hot preaching conference without starting in Leviticus? I'm in God a reference Leviticus somehow on a red hot preaching conference go to Leviticus chapter 19 Let me start off with the first one tattoos, let's talk about tattoos for a bit now, what is a tattoo? Well a tattoo is simply an ink that position on the skin that is obviously permanent. Okay. Now, where do they come from? Well, the word tattoo is actually comes from the Polynesian language that simply means to mark or to puncture the skin But the practice of tattoos stems back thousands of years. I mean we look at it today. We see people today You know, they have their sleeves done they have tattoos on their face You have these idiotic sound cloud rappers if you've ever heard something like that Tattooing their face to get more attention so they could get more listeners to their crappy music You know trying to get extreme with their with their face tattoos They're like 17 18 years old not realizing that it's gonna be there when they're 30 and 40 and 50 if they live that long but these things have been around for thousands and thousands of Years and in fact, you know They discovered even some ancient Egyptian mummies with tattoos on their body One of the oldest mummies that they've discovered about 5,300 years ago Was found in the Italian Alps and this guy was he had his ribcage tatted He had you know earplugs. I mean that was popular even back then why because it's what the heat and dust it's what satanic people do okay, and His name is actually called Otzi the Iceman now tattoo combs as they refer to it may were made from human bone Which can mean that people were permanently marked by tools made from the bones of their own relatives Ancient Polynesians use the combs by dipping the tool into a container filled with pigment then striking the comb handle with the light mallet To drive the comb points into the skin much like tattoo machines today So this has been around for many many years and you know people can look at that and listen to that and say well see That means it's okay If it's been around forever if you know it didn't start today people have always done this past from here People have always got tattoos. They've always got it. You know art on their body therefore It's okay, but here's the thing murder has been around for thousands of years too. Doesn't make it okay You know theft has been around for thousands of years, but that doesn't make it okay Hey faggotry has been around for a long time has it not doesn't make it okay in 2021 I don't care how old something is Satan is old