(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And they said one to another did not our heart burn within us While he talked with us by the way and look what it says and while he opened to us the scripture That's awesome He said didn't you feel like your heart burn? You know not because they eat spicy food or not because you know, whatever it is that Jesus did he said specifically When he walked with us and when he opened the scriptures Why because the truth burns the heart Right, and I think every single individual here myself included can attest to a time when a biblical preacher got up who was sensational You know what our hearts burned within us. Why because the scriptures were opened Because it was the truth of God's Word There was sharper than it than any two-edged sword and it pierced to the dividing of sunder of soul and spirit Joints in the marrow. It was a discern of the thoughts of an intense of our hearts Even Jeremiah when he was tempted to quit he said I will speak no more in his name But his word was within my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and I could not stay He's there. I wanted to quit but I had the Word of God in my heart and it was just burning You understand so Sensational preaching is great if it's coupled with the truth if you have Sensationalism if you're excited and zealous and passionate and you're using the scriptures It's a good thing The Apostle Paul said this in Acts 20 20 how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you But I've showed you and I've taught you publicly from house to house He's saying look when I taught you I didn't keep back any information. I taught you everything I knew and Here's the problem with the old IFB is that there are various sensational even the saved ones were sensational very sensational But they would do this they would say they were read one scripture and they would say this now close your Bibles and look up here and Most of the sermon was stories. There wasn't any biblical content You know, it was very sensational But that left a lot of room for a guy like Jack Scott To come in who was extremely sensational Exciting preacher, but the guy was a devil at heart I mean having sexual relations with a teenage girl the guy was super wicked But you'd ask anybody prior to that man. He's one of the best preachers in America. Why because he was sensational That's why but it wasn't coupled with truth Now who's an example of this in the Bible of someone who is biblically sensational Well, Ezekiel was one of them go to Ezekiel chapter 10. You read the entire book of Ezekiel. He's doing some crazy sensational stuff He's building little toy soldiers Little platform with toy soldiers people are coming. What is this guy doing? He's like, this is how you guys are all gonna get destroyed I Mean picture he's he's setting up little toy soldiers a platform and people are like, what is this grown man doing? We're playing with toy soldiers He attracts the people to come to him and you're like, what are you doing? He's like, well, this is what's gonna happen to you Thus say the Lord and he just used that as an opportunity to preach against them