(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And we got a lot of young people in our church. You know, stop looking at your buddies. Bunch of mariwaneros. Bunch of pot-smoking losers who have no jobs. Busy looking at girls all day long. Forget those dudes. They're losers. They're lame, and I'm not talking about being crippled lame. They're losers, they're not gonna do anything with their life. You see, now that you're young, you have an opportunity to rack up even more rewards than people who are older than you. Why, because you have more time. Lord willing, if the Lord gives you more time to live, you have more time to rack up these rewards. Why not do it? Don't spend your young life doing stupid stuff. You know, if you're a young person in our church, learn new languages, read books, read the Bible, become successful. Go to trade school, you know. Become a successful person so you can be more effective for the Lord. Don't be some loser bum. You want me to show you a loser bum? Come on Sunday morning and I'll show you a loser bum who always walks this strip right here. You know, this guy who's always drunk, he's always blown away, he's always high. I saw him yesterday, he's like, hey mano. Which means, and he's like, can you give me some money? I'm like, I got a better idea, why don't you just get a job? I told him. He's like, I can't. I'm like, why not? If you get a job, you don't even have to ask for money. He's like, I can't. I say, why not? He goes, because I don't have any energy. With a roach on his ear. You guys know what a roach is? I'm not talking about like a literal roach. I'm talking, a roach is weed. It's basically a blunt that someone smoked and there's about this much left. It's called a roach, okay. He had a roach in his ear, he's like, I don't have any. I was like, well stop smoking marijuana and maybe you'll have the energy to work. I rebuked him right in front of my wife. I'm like, why don't you stop smoking pot and maybe you'll have the energy to get a job and work. He's like, that's true, huh? I told him, I said, my mom is 75 years old and she works her hindr parts off to pay her own bills. I'm not for women working, everyone knows that. But you know what, if that's what she wants to do, she's her own lady, she can do whatever she wants. And by the way, that's what's keeping her alive because she's always working. She's out there with her Silverado truck, 75 year old lady driving around, loading up her own furniture to slang. And yet this bozo, lazy bum, can't even get a stinking job. He's an able body because he's too busy smoking pot, loser. Loser? And I said, my 75 year old mom is able to pay her own bills and even then she's able to be a blessing to her family. And he goes, that's true, okay, bye. And he walks away. 15 minutes later, he walks out with the kawama. If you guys don't know what that is, it's a beard like about this big. It's a tall boy. Yeah, just keep being a loser then, if that's what you want to do. Yeah, that's not me. Well, you know what, if you remain in the path that you're in, that's exactly where you're going to be. You're going to be coming to Faithful Word Baptist Church, hey, bro, I know, and I'm going to give you the same exact speech I gave to that guy. Don't be a loser. God's people ought not to be losers, okay. We're on the winning side, amen. God's given us the potential, we have so much, we have principles found within his word, we have the Holy Spirit of God living within us who gives us the power to do great things for him. Let's take advantage of that, okay.