(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And then we got Ray Comfort in Huntington Beach. You know, we got, by the way, the Ray Comfort, Ray Comfort's like the liberal of the Calvinists, right? Lame. And here's the thing, John MacArthur doesn't do any soul winning, but Ray Comfort supposedly does, right? Him and his New Zealand accent, you know, quoting New King James version verses, he ain't getting no one saved. He's making people twofold the child of hell. Now here's the funny thing, I was talking to someone at the post trip conference about this. I remember I saw, because I saw, I used to watch a lot of those videos, and I saw this one guy, he approached this guy in Huntington Beach, and this guy was a drunk. I mean, he was drunk, right? He didn't even have a shirt on, he had like shorts. He was drunk, but he was saved. He was a saved guy, okay? And he believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and Ray Comfort came, and he was just like, if you believe that you're saved, and he's just like, yeah, you just gotta believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. He goes, but are you living in holiness? And the guy's like, no, but I believed on Christ already. He goes, but you haven't turned from your sin, and you haven't repented of your sin, and the Bible says you have to repent of your sin in order to be saved. He's like, no, you just gotta believe. I mean, as drunk as you can sound. I'm talking about stumbling, like he's just like, no, it's just by belief only, you know? And Ray Comfort was getting pretty pissed. Like, he's just like, it's for repenting of your sin. You're not living in holiness, and he's just like, all I gotta do is believe. And God used this drunk, this drunk, you know? To teach this Calvinist, all you gotta do is believe. I mean, the guy who's intoxicated knows that. But yet, Ray Comfort and all his theological seminaries can't even come to that conclusion.