(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) just for kicks let's go to uh go to Psalm 49 so this is the last thing I want to talk about and these Calvinists who believe they're gonna be ushering in the kingdom Jeff dirtbag who basically you know this I don't know if it was last week he was like he was in Ireland praising the guy who made the founder of Guinness beer and he's praising the wicked why cuz he for he's forsaken the law that's why because such as keep the law contend with them but they that forsake the law praise the wicked the Bible says so he's praising the maker of Guinness he's like oh he's a Christian he was a believer in Christ you know he's a believer in the Antichrist and I'm and then this is not ad hominem as people like to say this is fact he he's praising him because this guy who this Guinness guy who made this beer you know he had a 9,000 year lease on that building and the reason he's praising him for that is because Calvinist for example vision forum and this pervert they found out to be a pervert part of vision forum they would have these these these beliefs about the 200 year plan and what they're what they're basically saying is they want all Christians to permeate all political positions all businesses because through that they're gonna be ushering in the kingdom of God so they literally believe right that all Christians will even be a part of governmental aspects of our world businesses it's kind of like a New World Order type of a thing you know that's the first thing that comes to my mind so that's what they believe and look this is no different than one to Jane the Jehovah's Witnesses believe okay you know the Christianity is gonna take over the world business and legacy and so he literally believes that this Guinness guy is gonna be I mean that business is gonna be there for like 9,000 years or at least until Christ comes so this physical building these physical riches are gonna be there until Christ comes go to Psalm 49 and verse 6 they that trust in their wealth and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches none of them can by any means redeem his brother nor give to God a ransom for him for the redemption of their soul is precious and sees it forever that he should that he should still live forever and not see corruption for he see it that wise men die likewise the fool and the brutish person perish and leave their wealth to others look what it says here in verse 11 their inward thought is this this is this is what they're thinking to themselves that their houses shall continue forever and their dwelling places to all generations you know like 9,000 years they call their lands after their own names Guinness nevertheless man being in honor abideth not he is like the beast that perish this their way is their folly yet their posterity approve their sayings who's the possible what is what is the top one says posterity their descendants who is Jeff dirtbag a spiritual descendant of Guinness so this Guinness guy comes and his follies made manifest because he signed this 9,000 year lease when God specifically says hey your dwelling places are not going to continue to every generation and here comes the posterity Jeff dirtbag and he approves that saying he's like yeah we're he's gonna usher in the kingdom you know the Bible tells us here that no you're not gonna inherit the kingdom Jeff dirtbag you know because guess what you're a drunk you know why you're drunk because the works of the flesh are being manifest in you and because you're not saved flesh and flesh and I inherit the kingdom of God that's talking about you you drunk false teacher you Calvinistic drunkard