(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) what's covering the sin of presumptuous thinking okay presumptuous thinking is basically you planning or having a pride based plan is what that's referring to well I'm gonna do this because I'm great and we're great you know we never want to be a church that's presumptuous in the way that we talk look I believe we have great people in our church amen I believe you have great soul winners godly people but don't let it get to your head to the point where you become so presumptuous right to the point where you come so pretentious that you just we're gonna do this and that it's like well hold on a second if the Lord wills because God can take the carpet out from under us and any moment and at that point you say well how do you know that because it says right there that our life is but a vapor that appeared for a little time and then it vanishes away I mean let me just show you how fast your life can just vanish away and no one will even remember who you are you know 20-25 years ago there's a man by the name of Jack Hiles was it 25 years ago about 25 years ago most in this guy was like independent fundamental Baptist Church he had the largest church in America okay did some of the most greatest exploits of his time of 25 years ago let me just say this most people in the new IFB don't even know who he is I remember I was talking to a couple in this church I was like yeah Jack house man he did a lot of sewing did a lot of great exploits and you know I'm just talking about stuff I thought that they knew who I was talking about and the guy was just like oh wow so what's he doing today I'm like he's dead actually it's like oh he died I'm like yeah he's been dead for like a long time like oh wow okay and look I'm not saying that Jack house was a bad person because of it it's just showing that our life is but a vapor so before you get all high and mighty you know we didn't make sure that we humble ourselves on the side of the Lord and not have this presumptuous thinking now look when we talk about soul winning yeah we're gonna do a lot of works right we're looking to conquer Compton we're looking to conquer Watts amen we're looking to conquer all the cities that surround here Monterey Park Montebello all of Los Angeles if the Lord wills we're looking to see people saved in San Diego and Santa Maria all across California we want to take trips to Mexico to do some missions trips we want to go to Aruba to do some mission trips in the future if the Lord wills we want to see thousands and thousands of souls saved amen if the Lord wills so we never want to have this attitude that were so great we're we're the great faithful we're Baptist Church in a couple of months the first works Baptist Church then we become so prideful that God will make sure that we're like a vapor that vanishes away you know I want to stay here as long as I possibly can I want the church to stay here as long as it possibly can but what do we have to do we make we got to make sure that we're careful not to be presumptuous in our thinking boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth the Bible says