(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) If you were to spend 15 minutes of those one of that one hour you spent fighting someone out soul-winning you could have gotten more done You know preaching the gospel giving some of the truth That's far more profitable than this striving, but the Bible says we all have to strive why because we have to be meek Okay, you say well What about the times you call out people aren't you striving no because the Bible says to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered Unto the Saints, but where's that? Where's that contending coming from from the pulpit? You see we fight false doctrine from the pulpit We open up the Word of God we teach what the Bible says we rebuke the false teachers and false prophets of today But we do it from the pulpit we're not gonna have this this This event of debate where some false teachers gonna come here We're gonna have two barstools and a referee and a bell with the reward at the end to see who wins you know why don't you just get organized and why don't we just have a Just a reasonable debate because that's stupid You think I'm gonna invite you to my church with the barstool and a little bell to ring when you made a good point What good will that do I rather preach to my congregation and just convince them for the Word of God and have them be convinced Cuz they're saved You see if I debate someone who is not saved and who has a corrupt mind who has rejected the faith I get nothing done because his conscience is our receiver. It's here in any ways He's ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of the truth as Genesis and Jamboree's were so these also resist the truth So it doesn't matter how much scripture you give someone who you're debating. They're not gonna get convinced Whereas if you're in a church setting there's safe people here who have the Holy Ghost residing within them The Word of God resonates with their soul when they hear it and guess what they hear it. They obey it they believe it Okay, and there's no strife involved Yeah, do we lift up our voice like a trumpet cry alone and spare not and we tell the people their transgression. Yes That's not striving. That's preaching You