(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I don't know what to say you know like okay you know cuz Noel Jones is like way over there and pastor Anderson's like way over there you know they're very different from one another and I remember I said so how'd you hear about pastor Anderson you know and he said well he's hot right now on YouTube you know but this this church is wicked that Noel Jones's church it's wicked you know they are he's a greedy a filthy Luke he's not even married you know he's like a player in his church a little stinking fornicator going around sleeping with all the women in the church and by the way in this show don't watch this stupid show but on this show they basically glorify that and even the world is looking at these people saying are you sure you should be living like this as a pastor oh the Bible says that you should prosperize your soul is prospering I mean these people roll in Bentleys he goes yeah if you're teaching prosperity and all these things you know you you should be driving a Bentley if you're gonna be doing that because you got to be the example to the flock you know and they're over here talking about the God told them this and God told them that I mean one of them literally had a child out of wedlock and he's with another woman and this is live on tell I mean this guy says he's a Christian you know and he's one of the most arrogant prideful men you ever see in your life but these are the these are the guys who say well it was God who's given us this stuff you know it's all a show to by the way you know it's like you see these guys preaching God told me this and God told me that ha you know they're just like it's all show are you doing is yelling and screaming it's all fleshly