(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and this is this is a message that needs to be preached in all churches today in 2021 because of the fact that churches have this stigma now that oh it's only for women and children you know what i mean isn't church just for women and children it's not for men and you know because they think because the church churches have been feminized the pastor looks gay and it's just you know they they they sing all soft or all effeminate they're just they're just limp wristed and so someone who is a man looks at that and says i don't want to go there i don't want to go to church like that the dude you know he's 45 trying to look like he's 15 or something he has a polo and uh you know his estrogen levels look kind of high folks the church should should be manly not to say you know obviously we want women to come to our church our wives come to our church and and different you know sisters who are not married come to church and let me just say this is that women feel more secure in a church that is run by men yeah it's far more security the world can be falling apart folks how many times that we had issues here at our old church and us men are like warring and the women are just like whatever about it they're just talking about like where they did their nails or whatever and what why because they're not they're they're secure in a place like this because the man is leading it's a male-oriented church that's leading it it's not an effeminate church being effeminate is a sin you know men need to be like when it says quit you like men in other words what it's saying it's act like a man and if you have struggles you know with uh you know displaying attributes of a man well then let me give you some advice just act like a man that's what the bible says i was just literally says act like a man if you don't know how to be a man well just look for someone who who is a man and act like that person yeah the bible says quit you like men