(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 31 says another parable putting forth unto them saying the kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed Which a man took and sowed in a in his field, which indeed is the least of all seeds But when it is grown It is the greatest among herbs and become at the tree So that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof look look at verse 33 Another parable spake he unto them The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal Till the whole was leavened. Okay, so there's not really a whole lot that we can gain from that, right? It's just like I don't know. What is that talking about? Well, remember we need to read it through the lens of the doctrines We already know. Okay, so there's two types of parables We see the parable of the mustard seed and then we see the parable of leaven now Both of these are referring to the same exact thing. They're trying to illustrate a point here go to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 The principle that is being reinforced here is that when something is sown something completely different comes out When you sow a seed into the ground it's a huge mustard seed is not just gonna come out Right something completely different will come out The mustard seed is sown and then a tree comes out That's not what you what you sowed in the ground you sow the seed and something completely different came out Okay, same thing with 11 look at 1st Corinthians 15 35 says but some man will say how are the dead raised up and with? What body do they come thou fool? You know Justin LeBlanc That which thou sowest is not quickened except to die and that which thou sowest thou sowest not that body that shall be But bear grain it may chance of wheat or of some other grain But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him and to ever seed his own body So what is it saying that when you die? If you're saved you're going to the ground. That's a picture being sown You're not gonna come out looking exactly the same when you're resurrected Okay, look what it goes on to say verse 39 all flesh is not the same flesh But there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of beasts another fishes another of birds There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial But the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another There is one glory of the Sun another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars for one star differs from Another star in glory so we can safely assume that in the resurrection some people are gonna look different than others Why based upon their glory? What is that glory based upon the works that you do? Okay, so the works that you do will cause you to shine brighter than others. Okay, we see that in Daniel We see that in different portions of Scripture regarding in regards to soul winning that you can shine bright Some glory will be different than others So we know that that's a biblical teaching of the resurrection in 1st Corinthians 15 then when you're sown into the ground You know what when the resurrection takes place, you're not gonna it's not gonna be you like me with parted hair like You know looking exactly the same. I don't know what I'm gonna look like. It's a resurrected body in a glorified state Okay, now in the Bible says there he raises it up as he pleases like the way he wants it to look Okay, and we'll find out one day we don't understand we see through a glass darkly but the Bible does teach us that it's gonna Be a different glory. Well, what is the parable teaching us then? The parable is teaching us that when a mustard seed is sown into the ground. It's gonna come out something completely different Okay, that reinforces what we believe about the resurrection. All right