(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What's another way? Well another way is this by downplaying the commandments of God. Oh, that's not you know Leviticus 20 13, it's not really what he meant He didn't really mean like stone him with stones You know their blood should be upon him. He didn't really mean that You know the death penalty in the Old Testament. That's not really what he meant by that. What do they do? They're trying to make the Bible palatable for people and so what they'll do is they'll try to change the meaning of verses You know and I've had a ton of people approach me online and say hey you're taking that verse out of context When it says that they shall be put to death it doesn't really mean be put to death It's like well define for me, then what does it mean to be put to death? Did death spiritually You know like how do you you know I uploaded this um This reel okay, cuz you know we live in a society where everyone just gets offended for every single thing You just breathe and people get offended Literally because without a mask you know he's like you how dare you breathe without a mask But I uploaded this this this reel and The reel was simply it's it's like no words like I'm not saying anything I'm literally not saying anything I'm just looking into the camera and the caption read verses that your pastor will probably never preach from part one Cuz I'm gonna make a series of it You know And it got like 26,000 views or something like that, and it's literally like four or five verses from the book of Psalms And it's like you know it's Psalm 5 Psalm 139 But literally all I did was post the verses that was it I put Psalm 5 I put Psalm 139 I put all these negative verses from the book of Psalms It was like four or five verses, and then the video ends. It's only a couple seconds long so no audio from me I'm not speaking. I literally just walk up to the phone. I look at it I cover it up, and then the verses pop up. You know cuz I'm you know trying to make it like theatrical or something and Literally people were like you're taking those out of context And I told him I didn't say anything How could I be taking something out of context if I didn't say anything I Said I literally didn't even interpret the verses I Literally, I just no commentary on the verses There's no hey this means this it's just the verses and the guy got on there Just like oh yeah, you're saying that out of context It's literally only the text Cuz context means with text Con you know like in Spanish, so it's like it's only the text, but this guy is such a sissy The guy is so offended the guy is such a weakling that the word have got offensive Just the words on the screen offended him so much that he just had to attack me and say oh you're taking this out of Context oh, I'm sorry for just posting verses I Literally just posted a verse and that's what's causing you to stumble Okay, but why is that well because of the fact that the culture and mainstream Christianity today is That well whenever you see something negative in the Bible it has to mean something else You know when it says thou hatest all workers of iniquity it can't mean that he hates all workers of iniquity How would you even think that it has to mean something else and In their minds they're thinking oh man if I bring that verse to people and show them Psalm 5 5 They're not gonna want the Word of God. It's not gonna be attractive to them. No we need to make it attractive So let's go ahead and change the meaning of Psalm 5 5 Thou hatest all workers of iniquity it means like he hates the devil or something like that You know Psalm 139 You know it's only David speaking of his heart You know that's that's another thing that someone said you're taking out of context because this is actually David just pouring out his heart Unto the Lord. Yeah by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost