(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now let me just say this is that men in general, men and women in general should interact. It's not bad for men and women to interact, especially in church, in public settings, and as long as it's appropriate. And the reason I say this is because sometimes people can get carried away with this thing where it's just like, well you know men shouldn't talk with women in church, and women shouldn't talk with men, and they shouldn't necessarily get too close to one another. It's a little Amish, okay? There's a church out there called La Luz del Mundo, which means the light of the world, and they're such a holier than thou organization, they're not even safe first and foremost, but they're such a holier than thou organization that in their service they'll have women sitting on one end and the men sitting on the other, even if they're married. So as soon as you go in they separate you, you know the males on one end, the females on the other, and unfortunately you know there's some Baptists who adhere to that nonsense, and they just want to have this holier than thou, self-righteous type of a service where, oh we're so holy we won't even sit next to our wives in church or something. What kind of nonsense is that? You know when you're holier than God, okay, you got an issue. You know people can get carried away with staying away from the opposite gender because of what may happen. You know the reality is this is the Bible teaches us that in 1 Timothy chapter 5 it says, Rebuke not an elder, but entreat him as a father and the younger men as brethren, the elder women as mothers, and the younger as sisters with all purity. So the Bible says that we can treat the older women as mothers, we can treat the younger women as sisters, and there can be purity with those relationships, it doesn't have to be inappropriate. You know so men and women can interact in our church, alright, they can talk, they can say how was your week, you know, what did you guys do this week, or how was work, or how are your children doing, how's your spouse, you know these are appropriate questions to ask folks. Don't be a weirdo, okay, don't be some person that's just like I can't even look at anybody, you know, just let me put blinders on or something, no, you know the Bible says that we should treat them as mothers, the younger as sisters with all purity, okay, and so, you know, the reason I emphasize that is because I've known churches that it's like it's so taboo for a young man to talk to another young lady in church or something, it's just like oh you guys got something going on or something or what, it's just like no, she's talking, I mean I have a mouth, she has ears, vice versa, we're just talking to each other in church, unless you want me to go out into the world and go commune with women out there in the world, right, you know the best thing to do is commune with your brothers and sisters in Christ who you know, I mean you don't know beyond a shadow of a doubt, but you know that they don't have like a bad agenda, they're going in the same direction, they're in the same church, this is appropriate folks, and so, you know, obviously church shouldn't just be a social club, but it kind of becomes a social club to a certain extent, you know, you come here, you hear the preaching of God's word, you hear singing, and then you have friends, you have friends, you commune with them, you hang out with them, you go out to eat with them, you joke with them, you laugh with them, you do life with them, okay.