(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And look, I've gone soul-waning and met people who were in tears when I got them saved. How many of you met people like that? Just tears, gratitude, I love you, I'm going to be at your church, I'm going to be a member of your church, I'm there bro, you just never see them again. I've been saved for 14 years and I've seen that so many times. My old pastor used to say the same thing, he used to tell me, Bruce if you ever have someone who tells you that, just mark it down, just kiss them goodbye because you'll never see them again. But I've met people who were like a dial tone when you talk to them. This generation doesn't know what a dial tone is, they don't know what a dial tone is? They're just like give them the gospel and they're just like yes, no, yes, no, do you believe in this, yes. And then you go through the whole plan of salvation, they're just completely straight faced, have zero emotion whatsoever, would you like to get saved, yes. Can I assist you, can I basically assist you in telling God what you believe in your heart, yes. And they pray and guess what, afterwards they say thank you so much for that, that changed my life, I'm really thankful for that, I really appreciate that. But you know that guy's more saved probably than some of the people who are just really emotional, I guarantee you. And I'm not saying people who get emotional, they're not saved because obviously there's people who get emotional, they definitely get saved, absolutely. What I'm saying is this is that don't judge it based upon oh yeah, that guy showed no emotion whatsoever, he just kind of like whatever about it, he didn't really get saved, he needs to cry, he needs to feel bad for his sin, nuts to that. God looketh on the heart, that's the time he needs to use that verse, amen. God looks upon the heart, he sees the repentance of the heart, he sees the change of mind in the heart, he sees him turning from what he believes in, trusting for salvation, trusting in Christ in his heart.