(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Here is actually referring to obviously salvation sowing seeds, but you got this guy by the name of Ray comfort Who uses this parable up and down? He says well this is goes to show us that there's all kinds of false converts there in the world Okay, because every single person here, you know, they had the seed and then there were a false cover They weren't really saved in the in the first place No, in fact the Bible is actually teaching us that there are three people saved and one was not That's what it's teaching But Ray comforts a fool So when you put a parable in the mouth of a fool He's gonna say that none of them were saved and then he builds this weird doctrine about this false convert movement You know talk about Baptist churches specifically and he's saying, you know, everyone all you know, all these false converts It's not repeating of their scene He gets into repent of their scene. That's why they make a profession of faith and they never go to church I Need to go to church in order to be saved. I mean if they're saying they'll go to church So he builds his complete tower of false doctrine because there's a parable in his mouth and because he's not saved He's perverting it See the teaching here and by the way, it's explained in verse 18 Look what it says in verse 18 here you therefore the parable of the sower when anyone here at the word of the kingdom And understandeth and not then cometh the wicked one and catcheth the way that which was sown in his heart This is he which received seed by the wayside. So this person was not saved But he that received the seed into stony places the same as he that was here at the word and anon immediately with joy Receiveth it yet hath he no rooted in himself But do it for a while for when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word by him by he is offended It doesn't say he lost his salvation just says he's offended. I offend people all the time. That doesn't mean they're not saved Verse 22 he also that received seed among the thorns is he that here at the word and the Cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choked the word and it become it unsaved That was says become with them fruitful You see say people can remain unfruitful So for example, if there's a couple who can't have children, do we just say they're not really people Oh You guys aren't real people because real people have children. It's like no they exist. They're real. They're just unfruitful Well the same thing here a Christian who gets saved Can also become unfruitful Okay by not doing anything and in fact, it says here the cares of this world the deceitfulness of riches those choked the word Okay now look at verse 23, but he that received seed in the ground good ground Is he that here at the word and understandeth it which also? Beareth fruit so he understands it. What does that mean? He got saved he understands it But he also bears fruit and bringeth forth some 100 some 60 some 30 etc So this explanation is very clear and this is a good principle for us to live by that We're supposed to go out there preach the gospel see people saved You know what? There's gonna be some people who don't you know We sow that seed and the devil is gonna try to steal that seed out of their heart three will get saved But you know what out of those three two of them will fall away one will get offended one Just gets choked by the by the cares of this world and one actually begins sowing. Amen So we were trying to give the gospel to everyone But we understand that not everyone's gonna get saved a good amount will and out of that good amount Guess what will probably produce one soul winner. It'll come out and begin living for the Lord begin coming to church They'll get baptized so on and so forth