(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So what will happen to Aaron? What's gonna happen to him? Well the same thing that's gonna happen to these old IFB pastors. Look at Numbers chapter 20 verse 26 it says and strip Aaron of his garments and put them upon Eliezer his son and Aaron shall be gathered unto his people and shall die there. Look I'm all for investing in and trying to convert old IFB pastors. I'm all for it but I'm for converting those who want to be converted. Those who actually want they're learning they're growing they're asking questions but the Aaron's out there who don't want to change they're gonna die there. So what's gonna happen to them you know what if they don't change on these on this position let them die there. They're gonna be gathered unto their fathers. You just let them die there. Oh that's the best thing that can happen to them. Well I just feel bad for for so-and-so and you know we used to be good friends but you know if so-and-so is not willing to change let him die there. Let him be gathered unto his fathers. He's going to die there and that's his end. Well I have all these friends who are old IFB pastors and I'm trying to reach out to them. You know what after the second and third admonition you need to reject them and if they don't want to change then say hey all right if that's where you want to die die. Remember Joab when Solomon sent Benaiah to go get him he was like at the horns of the altar he's like I'll die here and he's just like all right go slam him go fall upon him there that's where he wants to die and these old IFB pastors if they don't want to change if they want to continue to be antagonistic towards us and they don't want to get right and they don't want to start soul winning and preaching hard and doing right you can just die there then. You could be gathered unto your fathers and just die right there. It's not going to affect me none.