(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and he sees everything. You don't always need a pat on the back. You don't always need someone to tell you, hey you're doing a good job. Why? Because you're serving Christ and if you're serving Christ you understand and the Bible tells us that he's pleased with you that you shall receive a reward. You're famous in the eyes of God. That's the big thing there is you know we ought to desire to be popular and famous in the eyes of God. That's what we ought to desire to do you know last last week I was at the airport and I saw a fighter by the name of Rampage Jackson. How many know who Rampage Jackson is? He's from the UFC. This is the second time I've met this guy okay. I met him like 11 years ago probably 12 years ago before I got saved. I was at a Muay Thai kickboxing match and he was there and I was like oh man it's Rampage. This guy's famous you know and I went there and he was just a complete jerk. He just didn't even want to shake my hand just like you know just goody two shoes right. So 12 years later I ran into him again at the airport. I said hey Rampage Jackson. I said how you doing and he just like didn't even want to shake my hand again. I'm like man some people let success go to their head and I thought to myself you know what I'm way more famous than this guy. Well we know you're not. You're not as rich as he is. Well yeah here's the thing but God knows who I am. God doesn't know Rampage Jackson. God doesn't know who he is. God doesn't consider his works to be valuable works. In fact he can care less who Rampage Jackson is because he's a proud pompous idiot who you know just wants to make money. You know at the end of the day we need to recognize that we should desire to be famous in the eyes of God. Okay but that comes about as we recognize we're serving in whatever area at whatever state we're in we're serving those areas as unto Christ and not unto men.