(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And he's telling them that he wants them to abound in these things more and more now you say what's the point of that? Well, here's the thing is that you know, it's really exciting It's really cool when we learn something new from the Bible, right? You know, you learn some some deep truth from the book of Revelation from end times Bible prophecy in regards to replacement theology These are the things that are really exciting to us But the reality is this is that the vast majority of the Christian life operates on simply the basics Okay, all the other things is basically like the cherry on top, right? The basics is that which is most important and God actually wants us to be reminded of the basics But not only to be reminded but also to a bounder in more and more so he wants us to know the basics, but he wants us to master them and Abound in them more and more, you know a basic of the Christian life is to live a holy life, right? That's pretty basic we know that God wants us to to be holy to live a sanctified and holy life, right? Well, we know that with our minds, but God wants us to abound in that teaching more and more He wants us to live holier lives as the years go by as the days go by we know that We're supposed to read the Word of God right every single day That's that's God's will for us to read the Word of God and that is something that we know that is basic You know what God wants he wants us to abound in reading the Word of God more and more That means we should read the Bible more We should learn more from the Word of God Prayer is a basic element of the Christian life and we know that we're to pray without ceasing But the Bible also teaches us we're to a bounder in more and more So what am I saying? What I'm saying is this, you know, if we're to apply this in a practical sense What are some of the goals that you have for 2022? Well, you know some of the goals can simply be the Simply be the same goals that you had in 2021. The difference is you want to abound in those You know goals in 2022. So it's like you read your Bible in 2021. You prayed in 2021 You went sowing in 2021 Well the goal in 2022 if you don't have any new necessarily goals Then the goal should be to a bounder in more and more to win more souls to Christ And if you read the Bible once this year, amen Well, the goal should be to read it twice This coming year right to a bounder in more and more if you prayed for about you know in the morning for 10 minutes a day Well, maybe your goal should be to pray for 20 minutes a day in 2022 to a bounder in more and more And so, you know It's great to learn these new truths of the Bible and these are exciting things that we see in the Word of God The dark saints and the parables and now which is hard to understand But the reality is this is that it's far more important for us to master the basics into a bounder in More and more and this is actually what we're gonna look at this evening