(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know when it comes to this concept We should have this attitude this perspective that it's out with the old doctrine and in with the new Now when we talk about new doctrine or people call it new doctrine as I mentioned It's not new as in it's never been preached before It's just foreign to Christians today because they have been duped into thinking and believing That their way of thinking has always been the norm What am I talking about? How about the post? How about the preacher relation rapture? Posture but it was obviously is like a new doctrine to them. But to them the preacher rapture has always been taught How about Zionism? How about dispensationalism you ask any old independent fundamental Baptist? They said this is what we always believe brother This is the old paths, brother But here's the thing. What do you mean like old like 1800s old? I Know that's like old and in regards to like the way we live but that's not very old that's actually considered new Because my doctrine if you want to talk about years is actually older than yours because mine was actually taught in the Bible Dispensationalism is a new doctrine. Okay Look at Matthew 5 verse 43. Ye have heard that hath been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy now Let me just tell you this you will not find that in the Bible at all No More in the Bible doesn't say love your enemy or excuse me, love your neighbor and hate your enemy You're not gonna find that this is the only place you'll find it but God didn't teach this Hold on a second says you have heard that have been said. Yeah, but by who? by the Pharisees But I say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you Pray from them which despitefully use you and persecute you that you may be the children of your father Which is in heaven for he maketh his son to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just And on the unjust so what is Jesus addressing here this common teaching that you should love your neighbor and Hate your enemy and according to them who are the enemies Samaritans? Gentiles The ones teaching this were the Pharisaical Jews who adhere to the Talmud and folks if you don't believe me just do a Casual study of the Talmud you'll see that it's broken up into three parts Jewish supremacy hatred towards the goyim us and Blasphemies against Jesus Christ. That's what the Talmud is. I just saved you a whole lot of studying. That's what it is You can break it up into three categories. It's Jewish supremacy. It's hatred towards the goyim They literally have laws on how to hate the goyim How to hate the Gentiles? Now when they say love your love your neighbor and hate your enemy, this is what it's French right here Is this what the Bible teaches? No But you know what Jews in this day even believing Jews Were so just filled with this doctrine that they carried it out in their day-to-day life This is when why when Jesus was out walking with his disciples and you know There's Gentile women who wanted to touch his garment or wanted to be healed by him. They're like trying to push them away They're like surprising he's talking to a Samaritan woman Why because of the fact that it was cultivated in them to not love their enemies so-called. Okay