(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Not only that, but the wise man, listen to this, welcomes correction instead of disdaining it. Now we're going to step on some toes, okay? We'll see who's wise. What does it mean? The wise man actually loves correction. Doesn't like how it feels, but like the fact that he's being corrected. He views reproof as an indicator of love and sees the value in being corrected. He doesn't dwell on the humbling nature of a rebuke, but rather focuses on what needs to change to succeed, because you know, being rebuked is humbling. It's not nice at all. It's a little embarrassing, you know, it causes you to be ashamed a little bit, because you're being told that you're wrong. You're being told you're actually doing it wrong, you have a bad attitude, you're doing this action wrong, this needs to change. So you know, no one likes to be told that they're wrong, but here's the thing, if you want to excel and succeed in life, you have to be told that you're wrong, because you're not doing everything right. And so a person who loves you will tell you this needs to change in your life, and the wise person will say thank you for that, I needed that because I want to succeed in life. But the person who wants to live in candy land, in this fantasy world, he wants to be an avatar for the rest of his life, and just live in the metaverse, in this fake world, where he's perfect, she's perfect, there's nothing wrong, we have no deficiency whatsoever. That person doesn't want to be corrected, because they think they have everything down packed. Whereas the realistic person, the person who actually lives in the real world, understands I am deficient in certain areas, and I need people to tell me so I can improve in those areas. Look at Proverbs 9 verse 7, he that reproveth the scorner, get it to himself shame. What does that mean? When you correct the scorner, someone who just does not like correction, the person who's reproving that person will be embarrassed for them, because they can't take it. And he that rebuketh a wicked man, get it to himself a blot. Verse 8, reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee. Rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee, the Bible says. That's pretty interesting. So the person who's a scorner, if you rebuke them, they're going to hate you for it, they're bitter against you, they're mad at you, they think you got something against them, they think that you got it out for them or something like that. Whereas the wise man, when he gets rebuked, he's like, man I love this person, because at least he's willing to tell me the truth. And let me just say this, love people who are willing to tell you the truth. Don't love the Joel Olsteins of this world. This is my Bible. You know where God's not mad at you, you're doing fine and dandy, nothing's wrong with you, here's your consolation prize, here's your consolation trophy for participating. Those people don't love you.