(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now we're gonna highlight Judas in just a bit, but I'm gonna I'm gonna talk about him real quick Obviously Judas even those who wouldn't agree with us as far as their stance is concerned would say Judas was not safe Judas is in hell today. The Bible says that Judas is the son of what perdition, right? That means he's in hell Okay, he split hell wide open. He's been there for the last 2,000 years burning for for betraying the Lord, right? He wasn't saved nor did he get saved now look at Matthew 27 verse number one When the morning was come all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death And when they had bound him they led him away and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor Then Judas which had betrayed him when he saw that he was condemned. What does it say repented himself and Brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders. So here we see that Judas He repented himself. He repented Even to the extent that he brought back the money And look what verse 4 says saying I have sinned and that I have betrayed innocent blood. I mean he was sorry He's like I've sinned I messed up now. Let me ask you something. Did you just go to heaven? No, the Bible says he's the son of perdition So this guy who repented he felt sorry for his sin. He even brought back the money He turned over a new leaf he's still in hell today You know why because he didn't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's why