(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) the Lord commanded Moses his servant so did Moses command Joshua and so did Joshua he left nothing undone of all that the Lord commanded Moses." That is a powerful statement. He's like everything that God told Moses to do I'm gonna do it and I'm not gonna leave anything undone. The entire task list is checked off. Now Joshua is symbolic a lot of the times in the Old Testament you'll find characters that symbolize Jesus Christ or an aspect an attribute of Jesus Christ and Joshua would fall into that category. Now go with me if you would to let's see here go to John chapter 5 I'm sorry John chapter 8. So Joshua who's his authority? Moses. But what happened with Moses? He died you know people die so the leader's gone. So what did he do? He stepped up to the plate and he left nothing undone that God had commanded Moses. So basically what he found out was what didn't God command Moses to do? I'm gonna take a personal responsibility for those tasks for those for those things that need to be done and I'm gonna leave nothing undone. Oh he didn't have this attitude well you know Moses is Moses I mean come on this is this is the man you know this is the guy I can't fulfill it like he can no he had the same God the same spirit and because of that he was able to be thorough in his responsibility and execution of God's commandments. But this is very symbolic of Jesus Christ why is that? Look at John 8 28 then said Jesus unto them when you have lifted up the Son of Man then shall you know that I am he and that I do nothing of myself but as my father hath taught me I speak these things and he that sent me is with me the father hath not left me alone for I do always those things that please him. You see Jesus Christ well what's another way of putting that he left nothing undone of all that God commanded him to do. Joshua was a good example of this because at the end of the day you know obviously a boss or a ruler or someone who is governing us is giving us instructions okay they're telling us how they want something done and that's good for starters but there comes a point where you just kind of know what needs to get done.