(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) now here's the thing about Christmas Christmas the essence of Christmas is to give to others is it the essence of Christmas is the gift of salvation how do we symbolize the gift of salvation on Christmas by buying gifts for others you know what it's turned into buying gifts for yourself being covetous that being covetous yourself wanting to get things yourself you're covetous you're not content with it with the things that you have okay go to Psalm 119 and it says right here it's more blessed to give them to receive people think that it's the other way around you're more blessed to receive them to give right they want to know how many gifts are gonna get what deals they can have are they gonna get there there that one gift that they want you know it shouldn't be that way with Christians we would need to make sure that we're content with the things that we have and look the way you can enjoy what you have or you can enjoy Christmas is don't expect anything right you have low expectations for Christmas so then when you get that ugly Christmas sweater oh thanks auntie I've always wanted this you know you know when you get that gift you actually appreciate it but you have if you have your heart set on that specific thing and that's what you want and you allow your heart to grow covetous guess what you're not gonna be pleased with anything you have why because the Bible says that godliness with contentment is great gain we need to make sure that we practice contentment in our personal lives and be happy with the things that we have be joyful with the things that we have and if look if you're the type that struggles with covetousness this is what you do just give a whole lot during the Christmas season find a bunch of people to give to if you need to overcome covetousness all right I will volunteer myself you can give to me I can help you out with that okay I want to be a blessing to you right see it's more blessed to give them to receive I'm giving you the opportunity to be a blessing to me