(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now here's the here's another game now this game is not necessarily simple in the sense of it's like violent it's just really stupid and The thought of foolishness is sin the Bible says so even being stupid is sinful Okay That's why one of the reasons one is this is sinful because it's stupid That's why flat earth is sinful because it's stupid and anybody who adheres to those things you're stupid But This is the game here this game doesn't necessarily involve killing people or Robbing from people or anything like that this game is called Minecraft how many have ever heard of Minecraft? Okay? This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen I saw this I'm like is this from like the 80s Because it's like blocks literally like blocks. It looks like Mario Brothers on steroids. This is what it looks like The Purpose of Minecraft is basically to wander around this fantasy world creating structures and finding treasures or just wandering around I Saw this video this guy because I'm like How does that what does that have to do with Minecraft? I don't I don't understand this and the guy said you know you don't really have to really do much in this video You could just walk around He goes if you want to kill some zombies you can kill some zombies, that's fine If you want to build the tower you can do that, too You can you can just do whatever you want. It's a beauty. He said it's a beautiful place It's a video game He said look look As he's playing this cuz he you know I have to watch this cuz he's like he's all these guys they're commentators on their own Video games is what they are usually they put like a little picture of themselves a video on themselves And they got the headgear with the little mic, and they're just you know This guy was just he was showing he's like you go. Oh look. It's getting dark. He goes it gets dark in this game, too Sometimes it gets more dangerous at night He goes it's a beautiful game because at the end of the day you do whatever it is that you want Just go just go admire the landscapes You know it's oh, it's a wonderful world where you can do whatever you want. That's stupid And yeah, it is wicked Because look we as God's people not my will but thine be done right We had a desire what God wants for our lives We don't want a desire to adhere to what the Bible says not just to wander around aimlessly Go to Jeremiah chapter 14 and This game you can actually even play as a spectator so in other words just like well I don't want to fight anybody. I didn't want to build anything I just want to watch everyone do everything you know and they will literally be there for hours Hours and hours and hours just wandering around Looking at a stupid screen at a fake world that does not exist How loser is that You're a loser if that's what you're doing And don't tell me you're being productive like oh, yeah, we're building this tower. It's fake It's not even and that's the ugliest building. I've ever seen it's like it's Mario Brothers on steroids Okay, you would do better and be more productive playing with Legos. I Seen some pretty amazing structures with Legos. I would never play with that, but you know what that's more constructive than Minecraft But you know minecraft has 74 million users Let that number sink in your mind 74 million people playing Minecraft on a daily Basis they say it's one of the most popular games out there And it's a bunch of people just doing nothing with their life You know and it's funny, but at the end of the day you think about it like man Satan has these guys trapped like good Because you're just rendering them useless Especially and I guarantee you many of those 74 million are Christians. I guarantee you many of them are saved You know what Satan has rendered those people useless They've lost their savor assault. They're good for nothing, but to be cast down to be trotted under the foot of men Why because they're not doing anything with their lives They're wasting their life away look at Jeremiah 14 verse 10 says thus saith the Lord unto this people thus have they loved to wander They love to wander they have not refrained their feet therefore the Lord does not accept them He will now remember their iniquity and visit their sins. They love to wander I mean, that's what the guy said. It's it's a lovely game He goes look at the grass look at the oceans Why don't you buy a plane ticket and go to like a real place? Where they have these things at least that's worthwhile These crappy graphics these I mean you literally wasting your time looking at something. That's very just junkie, okay It's foolish You