(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We never wanna take this to the extent that we've seen in times past where an authority is involved in some sin or their household is not in order, their children are disobeying the word of God and the church members just don't wanna say anything about it and it's just like, well, we can't, he's the man of God. Well, he doesn't have special powers, okay? He's not Superman. You entreat him as a father. So let me give some instructions here. If there is a pastor whose children are out of order, you know, they're like, you know, getting involved like in fornication or they're dating someone who's divorced, something to that extent, you know, and it's violating the scriptures as a church member. I'm not talking about as another leader in the church. As a church member, you have the biblical right. He's the man of God, you can't question him. This isn't the Catholic church. Amen, right? You know, this isn't some Catholic church where you just don't question any of the pedophilia going on, you understand that, okay? You respectfully go to the person and say, hey, your child is doing this. It's in violation of the Bible and the Bible says that you should have your children's objection with all gravity. Can you correct that, please? And if they say, well, I'm not correcting it, then you know what you do, you say, okay, then you should step down because you've disqualified yourself because your children are not in subjection with all gravity. That's right. I say that as respectfully as I can. I'm not yelling, I'm just telling you, you're offending us as members because your children are involved in this sin. But you know what the attitude that most churches have is just like, they have the bystander apathy. Well, I'm gonna wait till someone else says something. I'm gonna see what they do first. No, you get up and you do it. You're not gonna be struck dead. You're not gonna be like Ananias and Sapphira. I'm afraid if I just go up, I might just fall over dead. You know what, your church is gonna fall over dead if you don't do something about it, okay.