(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look what the Bible says in Isaiah chapter 30 verse one. This is what God tells them. Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of me. Huh. So he says, hey, woe unto you because you go to, you know, Carlson Tucker for counsel. You don't come to me. Tucker Carlson, you know that's his name, right? Hey, it shows you how much I really know about these guys, right? I can't even get their names right. Sean Hannity, I know that's one. Willing to them to go to the Fox News Baptist, to go to Fox News for counsel, but not of me. He says, and that cover with the covering, but not of my spirit. You know what I see? Lately I've seen a lot of coverings of this flag. One of them being in the American flag and the other one being a Trump flag. They cover themselves. These rallies are just a bunch of people covering themselves with Trump, but it's not of my spirit. That they may add sin to sin. Verse two, that walk to go down into Egypt and have not asked at my mouth. By the way, you know, Egypt of course is a picture of the world, right? And he's saying, look, you're going down. And anytime you go to Egypt for counsel, for wisdom, for covering, you're not on the upward way. Going down. He says, you're going down into Egypt, but you haven't asked of my mouth. Look what it says, to strengthen themselves in the strength of Trump, I mean, Pharaoh. And trust in the shadow of Egypt. These are strong words. He says, look, you are depending on a man to strengthen you. And I can't tell you how many times I've heard this within the last, or this year, leading up to the election, where people will say, yeah, but you know, if we vote Trump in, you know, he's for our values, he will protect our liberties, you know, he's gonna help us, and he's for Christians, and what are they doing? They're strengthening themselves in Pharaoh.