(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look what it says in chapter 2 Verse number. Let's see here. Let's read verse 13. It says if we believe not yet he abideth faithful He cannot deny himself. I'll explain them just a bit of these things put them in remembrance Charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit But the subverting of the hearers now, I always wonder like what does that mean? Why does it say charge them before the Lord? So he's saying, you know if we believe not yet he abideth faithful He cannot deny himself and he's telling Timothy you need to charge this Before the Lord that you're faithful and you cannot deny yourself. That's what he's saying, right? Now go with me if you would hold your place there go to go to Luke chapter 18 if you would Luke chapter number 18 I'm gonna explain to you what I believe this is referring to Now There's a concept in the Bible remember I'm not giving points here. Okay. It's just this is I just threw the verses on here We're just explaining them away. We're studying the Bible in regards to this topic, right? There's a concept of the Bible called importunity It's found once in the Bible in Luke chapter number 11 importunity means persistence and The Bible explains to us that we need to have importunity types of prayers to God in other words be persistent when asking God for something and He gives the example of the friend that goes to the other friend to ask for bread and the guy is like I'm in bed My children are in bed with me. I cannot rise and he says Though he wouldn't but yet because of his importunity he rolls up and he gave him bread. He's like this guy's persistent persistent I'm just gonna give him bread We see the same concept in Luke chapter 18 But with a different outcome in Luke 11 is the importunity for God for his what provision Look at Luke chapter 18 verse 8 or excuse me verse 1 It says here and he spake a parable unto them to this end then men ought always to pray and not to faint Think about that. I Mean, do you ever faint when you pray? Oh No one fades unless you're really out of shape This Is referring to when you're going through trials you faint So he's saying men should always pray and not faint. What does that mean endure, right? Look at verse verse 2 he explains it saying there was in a city a judge which feared not God neither Regarded man, and there was a widow in that city and she came unto him saying avenge me of mine adversary And he would not for a while but afterward he said within himself Though I fear not God nor regard man yet because this widow trouble with me. I will avenge her Lest by her continual coming she weary me. So what is the story here? The story is God is talking about a judge who's basically saying you know what because you're persistent I'm going to avenge you. I'm going to take vengeance upon your adversary because you're persistent in asking me to What is the application? Look at verse 6 and the Lord said here with the unjust judge sayeth and shall not God avenge his own elect Which cried day and night into him though he bear long with him huh Well, this is not talking about his provision anymore This is talking about his protection. In fact a step further. It's talking about God taking vengeance And he says don't you think that I won't take vengeance for you? If you continue to see come to me like that woman came to the unjust judge That was an unjust judge who was willing to answer that for this woman. What about the judge of all the earth? It does, right? If you come to me asking me to avenge you of your adversary you have Importunity in prayer. I'm gonna avenge you But here's the problem look at verse 8. I tell you that he will avenge them speedily Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh shall he find faith on the earth What is that talking about talk about end times? Because during the end times there's gonna be great trials great tribulations many Christians are gonna die and he's like Well, I find faith on the earth during that time Now revelation 6 and let me say this I believe this is in the true in the truest sense obviously even today Why we're alive, but I believe it even has to deal with those who are in heaven right now That they can pray for this Because we see the example in Revelation chapter 6 Those souls who were killed for the testimony of Christ are under the altar and they're asking when will they'll avenge us And he's like just a little while Christ comes back and then the wrath of God is poured So we see here that faith It's not in reference to salvation right here. It's in reference to having faith that God will avenge us of our enemies. Oh Boy, don't we have enemies? We have a lot of enemies. We have people who hate our guts. I have people who threaten me on a weekly basis Say the most vile things He said what do you do? I have importune importune prayer. I pray And I know that he will avenge me speedily well how fast well to the Lord a days is a thousand years and a thousand years is a day and Look the Bible tells us that everything is beautiful in his time He way he had he just has perfect timing