(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But that's the purpose they want to draw away disciples and what happens what if Mario says no I don't agree with that. You know what they'll do. They'll back off Well, say yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I agree with you 100% and what they do is they move on to the next person Okay, so this is what you do if a person ever comes to in our church This is teaching time. All right, if a person ever comes to our church And they want to pull you aside privately number one. That's a red flag Unless they're talking about something, you know that they're going through like hey, man, I need you to pray for me I'm struggling with the sin or or pray for my family and I just I just need someone to talk to that's fine You know be open to that But if they pull you aside privately and they start teaching false doctrine I would say this give them number one the benefit of the doubt if When they teach that they're telling you this false doctrine and you correct them and they say, okay now I get it So, okay, maybe this person is just confused But if they come again With that same thing That's a red flag At that point. This is what you do. You shut them down and you say Okay, hold that thought I'll be right back and Then you come get me And then we'll both go and you say can you repeat exactly what you just said? In front of Bruce and I And look if they're sincere they will repeat it they'll get corrected but if they're not sincere like Well, I didn't mean it like that, why'd you have to get brother Bruce involved, you know Because look anything that we say is out in the open We got nothing to hide But if people who have something to hide they're trying to in a sneaky privily manner Try to draw you away from the church from brethren from the pastor from whomever Because they're trying to get a militia going Okay, and look if you're friends with Samuel and you knew these things you need to leave today And never come back Okay, now if you were friends with Samuel you didn't know these things then this is what you do you cut ties Okay, because I'm not gonna house people who are friends with these people and a friend of Samuel is not a friend of mine Okay, because you're gonna be hanging out with them talking to them They're gonna be feeding you information all these things no