(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew chapter 5 Now we need to learn to forgive our enemies as well Now I'm not talking about the enemies of God. I'm talking about just our personal enemies. I'm talking about those who are even Christians Okay, we need to learn how to forgive them as well and look in our church. We got a lot of those Okay, not in church. Okay. We don't got a lot of enemies in church, but I guarantee you we can go around and talk about Hey, so, how was your old IFB pastor like? You know and you can say Hate that guy You know Or he did me wrong And he kicked me out or he did this he he treated me wrongly or whatever it may be But you know, we need to learn how to forgive even them Okay, especially I'm not talking about the false ones the ones who are not safe forget them. They can burn in hell Okay, the ones who have fought against us who are not even say they're preaching the wrong gospel. They can burn in hell For all I care I'm talking about the ones who are saved Those who have the Holy Spirit of God living within them and they have stumbled and they have offended they have become our enemies We need to learn to forgive them. Okay, look at Matthew chapter 5 verse 43 says you have heard that it has been said Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy But I say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them Which despitefully use you and persecute you that you may be the children of your father Which is in heaven for you maketh his son to rise on the evil and on the good and send its rain on the just And on the unjust free if you love them which love you reward have ye do not even the public is the same And if you salute your brethren only what do you more than others do not even the public and so Be therefore perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect now People often get this kind of confused that because we had disagree with someone we like automatically hate them You know, you could disagree with someone and not hate them and still get along with them. I I know people that I love they're safe people. I love them, but I disagree with them. I think they're wrong and I've told them that they're wrong. I've told them that they're wrong to their face But they will hear something like that and automatically think that I hate them it's like I don't hate you you're just wrong That's just it You know, I've been wrong before You know, but we need to be able to learn learn to separate the two Just because we disagree with someone doesn't mean that we hate them for example, even my old church I Disagree with them on a lot of things, but I do not hate them Even the pastor that kicked me out. I Disagree with the fact that he kicked me out. Obviously, you know, I didn't appreciate that but I don't hate him In fact, I love him. In fact, I prayed for him. In fact, I appreciate everything that he's ever done for me Okay, since when I first got saved he was the first person to visit me. He invested in my life He taught me principles. He was an example to me for many many years I love him and I and I'm thankful to God for him, but guess what? He's wrong but Just because I think he's wrong doesn't mean I think I like hate him I like despise him and people often listen to this kind of preaching like well you sound like you just despise him I don't despise him But look my physical my blood brother. I disagree with him on a lot of things. In fact, we've even fist-fought We've gone down But you know what I still love him I Doesn't mean I hate his guts or anything like that Maybe at that moment kid when we're like bunching each other out But we need to learn to separate those things and people need to learn to separate those things That disagreeing doesn't mean we hate them. Now. There's people we disagree with that. We hate I disagree with the dispensationalist and I hate them. I Hate him a lot You know, Jack Rodriguez from will of God Baptist Church, you know, I disagree with them a lot, but I hate his guts He's an unsaved man Pastors who preach a false gospel. I disagree with them and I hate their guts. I Will always hate them. There's no there's no like, you know compassion there. I hope they die You know and go to hell quick so they won't deceive any anybody else Joel's thing. I hate him Hate that guy's guts. I don't care how nice his smile is But There's people who are saved who I disagree with on the preacher relation rapture on the Jews on Fox News all these other things You know, I love those people still Honestly, if those people even called me today and say hey you want to go have lunch. I said, yeah, let's go Let's go catch up. See how everything's going, you know, and I would treat them as normal as possible Now if they brought up the issue about the Jews, I'd be like, yeah, I disagree with you on that I think you're wrong on that, but that doesn't mean I hate them Okay so we got to learn to forgive these people if you had a pastor in time past who like was like wrong to you and Like did you dirty because of the whole rapture thing and all these things, you know You disagree with them, but you don't have to hate them Okay, and you need to learn to forgive them for those things, you know It took me off when I got kicked out of my old church But you know, I need to come to a conclusion and say you know what? He made a mistake He was wrong for doing that but I know he's a safe man I love him and I think I'm thankful for everything he's done for me I forgive him if he called me today and say hey, can we squash this whole entire thing? I want to get it right with you. I'd say absolutely Absolutely