(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey young men you want to make sure you don't that you marry the right girl And you stay away from the wrong one, but you know what you can't do that If you don't have judgment and knowledge But if you lean onto your own understanding you might go for the wrong one and at that point She wasn't God's will but she is now if you marry her, right? I Will say this is that God's eyes run to and fro throughout the whole earth To show himself strong on the behalf of those whose heart is perfect with him So what does that cause us to do as Christians? We want to have a perfect heart Like oh man, I got to make sure I keep a perfect heart. So that's why that question mark is left there You know what I mean to make sure well If God's looking for people with a perfect heart a mature heart a complete heart a heart that loves him Then I need to strive to have that type of heart for the Lord because I want him to show himself strong I want him to set apart those that are godly for himself and I want to be amongst that group you understand what I'm saying Now who's a good example of this right here what I believe a perfect example of this is the Apostle Paul Go to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 now the Apostle Paul got saved later on in life, right? He was part of a false religion. I mean he was zealous of the law. He was a Pharisee of the Pharisees This guy was persecuting the church. I mean he was delved deep into this false religion, but then he got saved and Look I like the Apostle Paul story because it's proof that even if you get saved later on in life you can still do great things for God and In fact, you can fulfill the perfect will of God for your life in spite of what took place prior to your salvation Now a lot of people get stuck on their past A lot of people are like well, you know, I made a lot of bad decisions Yeah, but if you can't change it why dwell on it? You know, I don't like fellowshiping with people who just dwell in the past all the time You know, they're just bitter over the things that took place in the past They're just always mad about what took place whether it's the decisions they made or the people that hurt them You know, we need to forget the past and all of us have a sob story. Okay? We all have a sob story of someone who did us wrong, you know Your mom fed you with the slingshot because you're too ugly or whatever You know once we get saved life is different folks It's different. Obviously if you live according to God's will it's different Okay, and you know, you don't see Paul Just dwelling upon his failures. I mean he was a persecutor. He was injurious He was a blasphemer, but he obtained mercy because he did it ignorantly in unbelief and you know what God counted him What faithful and that's why he put him into the ministry So what was his you know ordination so to speak based upon was based upon his faithfulness It's not because he persecuted Christian he God didn't look at said well you persecuted Christians, you know, therefore you can't serve me No, he counted him faithful. And therefore he put him into the ministry. This is why the quality of faithfulness is so important In all three of these wills here. It's important to be consistent To be consistent because when someone is faithful they go from one train station to the train station of God's opportunity