(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) They want something better, but they want someone else to work for them. They have this welfare mentality. Right? They have a welfare mentality, they have this bum in the street, off the 405 or 91 freeway, asking for money. Right? They want you to give to them for free, that which you work for. Because it's too hard for them to do it. And you know what ticks me off more than anything, is when you see an able-bodied 20-year-old off the freeway, with some nice clothes on, you look like you got yourself some Air Force Ones there, buddy. Got designer clothes on, asking for money. You say, what do you want to do? I want to slap them. I don't slap them, but I'd like to. I remember one time, this is, I don't know, probably last year, like after a church service, we went to go get Little Caesars for my family and I, like on a Sunday night or something. And you know, we were getting home, we went to go get some Little Caesars, which is the most delicious, unhealthy pizza there is. I'm not saying it's not delicious, it's good, that's why we're there. So we went to go get it, right? And then, you know, I ordered two boxes, and I'm, oh no, I'm sorry, I'm walking in, and this very large man, I'm being nice here, says, hey, can you buy me something? I said, no, I'm getting dinner for my family. So I walk in, I get that, and I come out, and he goes, oh, two boxes for like your family? Yeah, right. I said, actually, I'm eating both of these myself. He's like, like he's like trying to shame me for not increasing, you know, his fat. He's trying to shame me for not spiking his insulin or something, like I owe him something, like he's trying to guilt trip me. It's like, dude, you picked the wrong guy to try to guilt trip, because I don't feel bad about that at all. The only guilt that I would have afterwards is that I wasn't meaner to that guy. You know, when you walk away, you're like, man, I should have said this. You guys ever have that? And then you say it in the car, you're like, yeah, that would have been good right there. That's the only thing I would feel bad about, that I didn't say it when I should have. And then you're at home, you're like, or this would have been really good to say. It's kind of like, you know, that's the only thing I feel bad about. I'm not like, oh, man, that poor fat guy, I didn't buy him any cheese sticks or pizza. He's probably, his body's probably eating his own fat right now. He's probably going to lose some weight now. You think I feel bad about that? But that's how these people are, folks. And this is what Joseph and Manasseh are doing. And you know what, you know what Caleb is telling him? He's saying, look, even though they have iron chariots, pretty bad. That means you just got to work a little harder. You know, some things in the Christian life are hard. It doesn't mean you can't do it. It just means it requires a little more effort on your part to do it. Because it feels easy. Everyone would be doing it.