(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So obviously you see why he would be an asset to David David's looking at this guy and saying well this guy's You know cutthroat and he's taking care of business. So I'm gonna keep continuing to use them to further my kingdom. Okay Go to second Samuel chapter 11 And I honestly I can't think of any other good thing that he's done You know that you know the counting of the people just trying to discourage David from counting the people That's pretty much it, you know, and you know Like I said, his life is clouded in a lot of mischief and and dishonesty Another thing that he did was that he did David's dirty work Okay David we know was a picture of Jesus Christ, but David was still David Okay, he was he was a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ his good qualities right foreshadowed Jesus Christ his bad qualities Just represented who he really was as a sinner Okay, because he committed adultery he murdered a man He did a lot of bad stuff because he was just a regular human being who made mistakes. He was not perfect Now look at second Samuel 11 verse 1 It says and it came to pass after the year was expired at the time when kings go forth to battle That David sent Joab and his servants with them in all Israel and they destroyed the children of Ammon and besieged Rabah But David Terry's still at Jerusalem now we obviously know this story Because David gets out of the battle. He stays behind in Jerusalem. He ends up getting involved in sin You know, he sees Bathsheba bathing He he sees he inquires he takes and he ends up getting Bathsheba pregnant commits adultery with Bathsheba and She conceives a child. She ends up having a child because he's trying to hide his sin He's like, okay Well, the next best thing is to take Uriah and kill him which is Uriah is Bathsheba's husband I mean, this is very evil. It's very wicked, right? But you know, he can't do it alone He's trying to he's conspiring to kill Uriah which is one of David's mighty men, I mean it's his own guys, right He's conspiring to kill him But obviously he can't just ask anybody to help him with that because a lot of people in David's army are righteous people So he's got to go to the bottom of the barrel Okay, and you know who he scoops up he scoops up Joab Look at verse 14 And it came to pass in the morning that David wrote a letter to Joab And sent it by the hand of Uriah. That's so wicked. It's like he's carrying his own death certificate to die And he wrote in the letter saying set Uriah in the forefront of the hottest part hottest battle and retire ye from him That he may be smitten and die now Joab We don't see his reaction. He's not like what David? This is Uriah What are you doing? You know why he's not doing that because this is just another day in the office for Joab He's like sounds good to me You know, that's how I roll Let's get him out of the picture if that's what you want king David because that that's what job is characterized by This type of deception this type of mischief. That's what he's known for right And the unfortunate thing is uncle David knows that So uncle David is just like Joab's not gonna say anything about this He's gonna go along with it and he's not gonna he's not gonna divulge the letter to anybody else I know I can trust in Joab to do my dirty work Okay Verse 16 says and it came to pass when Joab observed the city That he assigned Uriah unto a place where he knew the valiant men were The men of the city went out and fought with Joab and there fell some of the people the servants of David And Uriah the Hittite died also and you know how the rest of the story goes and so, you know, they bring back the the Message to David and David's like, you know, well the sword slayed one has the other, you know Just go go back and encourage out him. He's just kind of like indifferent towards the death of Uriah Because in his mind is like plan accomplished, you know killed him and he knows that that Joab's not gonna do anything about it So what do we see in regards to Joab in this particular story here? We see that he's not a man of integrity He's not a man of honesty. He's not a man who is principled. Okay, and look We all want to have loyal friends we all want to have loyal people in our lives But there's a difference between being loyal and being willing to just sin in order to be loyal