(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we see that this lady is possessed this young woman is possessed by a devil a divining spirit And she must be like dividing some pretty good stuff or you know because she's making a lot of money these people are like upset Once you know, they she gets exercised by the apostle paul They're upset to the point where they take both paul and silence and throw him into jail because it's like man You just ruined our money maker Look at deuteronomy 18 verse 9 when thou art coming to the land which the lord thy god giveth thee Thou shall not learn to do after the abominations of those nations There shall not be found among you any one that maketh the center of his daughter to pass through the fire or that useth divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch So the bible is saying we should have nothing to do with these people Don't go to them for advice. Don't go to them to learn things from them. It says don't learn after their abominations Or a charmer Look what it says or a consultor with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer People who try to communicate with the dead For all that do these things are an abomination unto the lord because these abominations the lord thy god That drive them out from before thee what is he saying? Look, the reason i'm even allowing you to inhabit these this land and driving out these peoples because they're actually guilty of these things So the kainanites the hitites and all these other inhabitants they were actually practicing these things there's no new thing under the sun folks Go to numbers actually, uh, let's see here go to second peter chapter two So this young damsels possessed with the devil and You know, it says here in verse 16 it came to pass as we went to prayer certain damsel possessed with the spirit of divination met us And it just so happens to mention this which brought her masters much gain by tsu saying Did it say that it brought her listeners much success? Much inspiration much insights What job what vocation they should choose? You know, who's the who's that perfect one for their life? How to find their soul mate? No, it says which brought her masters much gain So what is the purpose of her tsu saying to make money to make money? Now the reason they are making money is because there is never a shortage of people who are in need of answers during a crisis